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The Most Hilarious Pregnancy Prank Calls Ever Done The Most Hilarious Pregnancy Prank Calls Ever Done

The Most Hilarious Pregnancy Prank Calls Ever Done

Jul 7, 2021

While different people have mixed opinions about pregnancy pranks, a lot of them are undoubtedly hilarious! It’s not every day someone tells you that they have a baby coming on the way or they have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms. And not everyone is prepared to hear that some people are having unprotected sex either.  These two things are the reason why these pregnancy pranks are ever so interesting!

We went through different parts of the internet to find the best prank videos and stories, so you don’t have to! And later, we are going to teach you how to properly pull off a hilarious pregnancy prank call. So if you’re ready, read on to find out!


Best Pregnancy Prank Call Videos:

1. Pregnancy Test - Danish Sait Prank Call

Priyanka is pregnant, and his boyfriend thinks that the doctor is wrong about it. He even pushes that it's just gastritis! 

2. I'm Pregnant Prank Call

A girl named Rachel calls up her friends in a cheerful manner that she is pregnant. There's a lot of cute and encouraging reactions in this video. It’s cute!

3. Prank Pregnancy Test Result On My Parents

"Hey, this is Dr. Alvarez. We received your pregnancy test results. Is there a time next week you can come here and talk?" 

This hilarious pregnancy prank call compilation from Tiktok is genuinely epic, and these parents are not having it! To whoever did these, good job!

4. I'm Pregnant Prank Call

A Youtuber by the username "ThatsHeart" made a hilarious prank to her Filipino mother as dared by a follower. If you want to head over to the prank immediately, it starts at 4:56. This one is surely a cruel pregnancy announcement prank; nonetheless, you're welcome!

5. You Banged My Sister!?

Here's one from Ownage Pranks. Tyrone is out to get a guy for having a one-night stand with his beloved sister. No one can break a baby girl's heart without getting served fairly! This is one of the most hardcore prank requests we’ve made. Because boy, the victim’s reactions were priceless!

6. Fake Pregnancy Call Gives Mom A Heart Attack

"This mom is concerned for her son because he has been in a long-distance relationship with a girl in Mexico and is worried he will go down to visit her and get in trouble! Her son wanted me to prank her and tell her that he not only visited, but he got the girl pregnant too!"

A prankster son sent us a prank request to prank his mom about impregnating her girlfriend. See how the prank will turn out, and thank us later!

7. Male Pregnancy Massage Prank

This prank is another one of our own.

"I called up a professional massage parlor that offers pregnancy massages for women and asked if they could help me out with my unique medical 'problem.’"

You see, you just need to be extra creative with coming up with your pranks. The odder they are, the better! So next time you think about a weird thought regarding pregnancy, you may want to hold on to it a little longer because it may become just as creative as this one!

8. Fake Call Pregnancy Test Result Prank On Parents

Here's another funny compilation of "Hey, this is Dr. Alvarez. We received your pregnancy test results. Is there a time next week you can come here and talk?" on Tiktok.

9. Pranking My African Dad

This guy tells his father he got his girlfriend, Anabelle, pregnant, and he’s not having it! Of course, it’s impossible to not crack up with all that scolding.

Best Pregnancy Prank Call Stories:

1. Two-part Story By Anonymous User

We found this story posted by someone anonymous on quora and thought it was wack!

This has two parts. Where I was fooled, and then I decided to fool others.

Part 1:

So I have been dating this guy I met on tinder, and things are going pretty well between us. Let’s call him S. Finally, we go all the way and get intimate. We did use protection.

Things were all fine until my period date came and went. And I had recently started becoming regular. So I thought maybe again my hormones were playing and didn’t think much for the next four days. But when it became a week, I started freaking out. I told S, and although he also freaked out, he took up responsibility as well. I used to hang out with his friends as well. Let’s call them A and B.

Now S asks A and B for help over the situation. So the boy buys me a pregnancy test kit. And A assures that his friend is a Gynic and can help if the test did come out positive. No way in hell I wanted a baby.

So on Monday S came to my place and gave me the test before I went to work. I go to office and try to calm my nerves all days. The plan was for me to do the test by evening, by which time he can come and get me. I really did not want to create a scene at work.

The entire day was a mess, and at 4, I went and checked the test. It came out negative. (Thank god). A little relieved, I wait for S to reach my office. That is when I feel shooting pain. I go to the restroom and see that my period has begun! (My uterus really wants to freak me out) At 4:30 S picks me up, and I tell him I got my period. We laugh, have dinner, and go home.

I got fooled and tensed by my frigging Uterus!

Part 2:

Tuesday, S calls me and says that he tried to prank A, saying I was pregnant and I wanted to keep the child. But he was smiling a lot, and A found out. So we turned out attention on B.

Now B is a sensitive guy. Much like S. And knows I have been through shit. So S tells him that I am indeed pregnant and I am refusing to abort since this is my first child and I can’t do it. We give B a plan saying I would be staying with a friend for the next one year and tell my parents that I have gotten transferred to a different city. We all sit in a small restaurant and talk. All the while S is recording the conversation on the phone. I get into character and say a lot of stuff. So midway, we see that my right side is twitching uncontrollably, and we have to stop. After calming my body, we reveal that it was all a prank and I am not pregnant.

B was like, “Order one more tandoori chicken as punishment man.”

2. Kendall Jenner Fake Pregnancy Prank

Even famous people have their fair share of hilarious pregnancy prank calls! The famous model of the Kardashian-Jenner clan pranked her Momager Kris Jenner, 

"So, I have a scenario. I have not gotten my period in a little while, and I was supposed to get it last week, so I was kind of nervous and randomly took a test," Kendall begins. 

"And It came back positive, so I took another one, and that one also came back positive, and I am literally about to cry."

After that, Kris said she had the dream the night before about her daughter getting pregnant. (Yikes!)

"Really? I'm kind of freaking out. I just don't know what to do," Kendall continues.

"Well, I'll put on my clothes and get over there. I'll tell you, Kendall, you know, you have to do whatever your heart tells you to do," Kris says. "I think it's great news, but I'm your mom."

Overwhelmed by the wholesome yet hilarious reaction of Kris, Kendall finally comes clean by telling Kris, "I love you, and I loved your reaction." 

Making A Hilarious Pregnancy Prank

Now that you’ve read/witnessed some of the funniest pregnancy pranks on the internet, then it’s just tempting to do one yourself!

Is it illegal?

Don’t worry; pregnancy pranks and prank calls are NOT illegal unless you make them be. There are a couple of gray areas to this. First, you will not get in trouble for prank calling unless you do prank calls to threaten, malign, or harm another human being. Second, you get in trouble doing illegal things such as a hate crime, a false threat, or what-have-you. But suppose you're only in the business of making fun of your boyfriend or your family members. In that case, there’s nothing to worry about!

Can you get in trouble for pregnancy prank calls?

We understand that you don't want to get in trouble as much as possible. So the short answer is this: No, you will not get in trouble. No one has ever gotten into trouble for making an innocent pregnant prank call, but there are always gray areas. No one will get into trouble for doing prank calls in general unless you do prank calls to threaten, malign, or harm another human being. You get in trouble for doing illegal things such as a hate crime, a false threat, or what-have-you. But if you're only in the business of making fun of that guy you already know and scare them a little bit to shell out money for child support, then that doesn't sound so harmful. Don't worry; the baby is safe. In this case, the baby we are trying to protect is the prank. 

How To Make A Successful Prank Call

Now that you've seen a couple of examples from us, it's time to make that baby of a prank to scare or alarm anyone you have in mind. These are just guides and not the entire process that you may necessarily do to come up with your prank. You can be as creative and adaptive as necessary! 

1. Pick your victim wisely.

The first thing to consider is to know your victim. You can't just shoot darts in an empty board and burst out your fake pregnancy news at anyone, don't you? You want to be specific. Eyes on the prize! Make sure you did it with your chosen victim (or not.) Well, let us explain this. Most of the time, you may want to do your false pregnancy prank to that guy you hooked up with recently. You probably want to take an act of subtle revenge on your ex-boyfriend. There are times that you just want to get back at that player who broke your best friend's heart and scare them with a piece of crashing news like this. Sometimes, you don't even want to do it on the guy; you just want to alarm anyone that a baby is on the way and announce it to key people in your life, like your parents, siblings, and closest friends. While a pregnancy prank may sound so simple, it can be significant because, duh! No one announces pregnancy on a casual and regular basis! It is ALWAYS a big deal. Now that you know who your victim is going to be. It’s easier to devise a plan for them. You know them best! So we'll leave it up to your imaginations on how you want the narrative of your prank to go.

2. Download our spoof call app

If you are trying to be anonymous or just want someone to deliver the news without using your voice, our spoof call app can always come in handy. No need for a burner prank phone! What does our spoof call app do? We collect your information, such as your name, mobile number, etc., and hide it all under an unknown caller ID. Don't worry; we won't ask for any intrusive information! This way, your calls will be untraceable by an average Joe! Of course, if you aren't personally gifted with voice acting (as most of us are), then you still have nothing to worry about! You can access our voice-changing feature for a seamless pranking experience! Ready to get started with your ultimate pregnancy prank call? Can't wait!

3. Rehearse for a bit

Even with the help of voice-changers, you might want to rehearse a bit just to wrap your head around the prank. Remember, once you crack a peal of laughter - it's all over for you! You're immediately blowing your cover and killing that baby (of a prank) that you spent time planning to make. We know it's too hilarious, but practice to never give in! It makes it perfect! And now, if you're too used to the narrative, you became desensitized by it that it's no longer funny to you; that’s when you know you're ready to do it. Trust us; it’s going to be fun again once you do the deed.

4. Do the deed!

Materialize that plan into action! You've put in all the work here, so we are as pumped up as you are already! Don't sweat it too much; remember that you are doing this only for fun, so don't take things way too seriously. 

5. Hang up when enough is enough!

Say you are already doing the prank. Is it turning out not the way you planned? Is it getting serious? Are you already getting thrown towards you? These are all the worst cases on the top of our heads but are typically unlikely to happen! (Though very slim.) You can only control what you do, but you can never control how someone else can react. If it gets so bad, trust your intuition and reveal that all of it is a joke and move on. After all, it's just a joke. It doesn't have to be so serious!

Has this helped you make your pregnancy prank calls? We're excited for you to get fake pregnant soon and mess with anyone you like! If you are interested in pranks about messing with men, you may check out some pranks you can do to your boyfriend. Were you already broken up? Mend that broken heart (or even just your vengeful soul with these prank ideas you can do to your ex-boyfriend.




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