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Eye Pranks To Freak Your Friends OutEye Pranks To Freak Your Friends Out

Eye Pranks To Freak Your Friends Out

May 4, 2022

One of the most essential organs in our bodies is the eye. The eyes, nose, ears, skin, and tongue are the five sense organs of the human body. Seeing the world through our eyes helps us appreciate its beauty. And what if we challenge you to prank your friends that involve the eye?

Come on, prankster! To have a good time with your buddies, we're going to provide you with some of the best eye prank ideas around. We didn't play around when we said we'd go all-in. But first and foremost, we believe in the importance of safety. Please make sure the prank is safe; we don't want anyone to be hurt.

Start the prank wars with your eye prank idea!

Eye Prank Videos from Youtube

Practical jokes that involve eyes will make everyone worried about you, and just by that, you are sure to get the reaction you want. Watch these eye prank videos to get a sneak peek of how your prank will turn out!

Glass Stuck In Eye

Justmaiko, a Youtuber, did an eye prank on his family. He did a stunt where the glass was stuck in his eye; who wouldn't tremble in worry?! He acted like a glass fell in his eyes; he also used fake blood to make the prank more believable. His acting was also superb, which is why it is convincing. Watch the video to see how worried his family is.

If you decide to do this prank, ensure everyone's safety! If you can, just make a fake glass shatter sound so you won't have to break a glass.

Pencil Stuck in Eye

In this video, the family pranked the owner of the channel, CJ! It's an ongoing prank war between the family. Leon, CJ's brother, acted like there was a pencil stuck in his eye. The mom is also an accomplice, and she also did his make-up! There's also fake blood involved, which made the prank more realistic. The moment Leon arrived with a pencil stuck in his eye, the mom acted like she had passed out, and CJ immediately went to pick up Leon. You've got to watch the video to see what happens next!

Why not pull off this prank on your parents, too? Prepare the following: pencil, fake blood. Make them fall into your gag by acting in so much pain.

Black Eye Prank

Here's another video from CJ So Cool! The prank also involves Leon. He went home with a black eye which made their mom upset. Leon can really pass as an actor for his acting skills. The moment their mom saw the black eye, she rushed outside to go to the school.

You can also do this prank on your family! It would be best to target your parents, your mom specifically, as they are always the ones you can get a reaction from. Your siblings should be your accomplice. Unleash the actor in you!

What About This Prank Idea?

If you don't want to make your family worry about your eyes, you can try this harmless yet hilarious eye prank idea, to which you'll only need a set of googly eyes!

Googly Eyes

You can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of giving an inanimate object googly eyes and turning it into an animated being. A common prank involves adding googly eyes to a picture frame and then waiting for someone to notice. There are also occasions when googly eyes are put to things like water sprinklers, making them appear to have faces and personalities that they don't really deserve. Adding googly eyes to anything makes it more amusing!

Do The Prank

If you're looking for an easy and quick prank, this is it.

Step 1: Prepare ping pong balls

You should buy ping pong balls that have no markings or writing on them. Because the other half of the half-ball was glued in, a small lip was on the outside. Using the overlapping seam as a guide, cut the ball in half. This seam also acts as a stiffener for the finished halves.

Step 2: Cut and sand the edges

Check your ping pong balls to see which half of each ball is stuck together. This is the portion you'll be discarding. You can use a blade or other sharp object to begin by removing the majority of this half from each ball.

And then, you can use sharp scissors to clip the excess material on each ping-pong ball to the seam's edge.

Next, lightly sand the edges using 220 grit sandpaper. Please don't overdo it; a little bit is all it needs.

Step 3: Paint

For the finishing touches, use acrylic craft paints. The eyelids should be painted in a medium flesh tone, while the irises were painted in a greenish-blue color. A little white dot was added to the design to simulate pupils and reflected light.

Done? Stick them on a deeply asleep person, and make sure to snap some photos!

Some Eye Jokes For Fun

Here are some funny eye jokes that are worth reading! These will surely make you laugh like a seal.

1. "What would you call it if you poked your eyes with your safety glasses while putting them on? It'd be eye-ronic!"

2. "What causes our eyes to feel so lonely? It's called eye-solation."

3. "Favorite musical group? Black Eyed Peas."

4. "Why do eyes enjoy buying and using new electronics? Most likely because they are all incredibly eye-tech."

5. "What do you call an eyeball who has recently obtained a pilot's license? He'd be known as the Sky Eye."

6. "Where is the eye always to be found? Precisely between H and J."

You can always rely on our prank call app for those who aren't ready to take on the challenge of an eye prank! With our prank call tool, you can deceive your target into thinking they're talking to a real person, thanks to our artificial intelligence techniques. Get yours today so you won't be left out of the fun!

As always, happy pranking!



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