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Angry Chinese Prank Call! Owner Calls Customer

Apr 13, 2014 1.7M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Buk Lau
Prank Victim: Restaurant customer
Rage Level: Mellow

Angry Chinese restaurant prank call on their best customer!

Best quotes: 

  • “I will keep my TOOTSIE ROLL to myself, okay?”
  • “Don't worry, you can have a little bit of a appetizer on the side, you know?”
  • “I AM SOBER PERSON! You know, I am only HIGH ON LIFE!”

Body of content:

In this angry Chinese restaurant prank call, I rang a girl as the owner of her favorite Chinese restaurant and said she left a HUGE mess there during her last visit. She was completely shocked when I told her someone needed to pay up for what she did! Buk offered her a special deal to let it go if she would go on a date with him in exchange for a discount at the restaurant!

How would you react if the owner of your favorite restaurant called you with a crazy request like this?! Do you think she ever went back to that restaurant? Let me know in the comments below!


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[film rolls] [phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Hello, Hayden?

Lady: No, Hayden's not here!

Pranker: No, but, you know, your guy come to the CHINA CAPITAL CHINESE RESTAURANT and you leave the BIG MESS HERE, you know?

Pranker: I need to talk to somebody about it!

Lady: [friend in the background], You have the wrong number!

Pranker: I can hear your friend in the background! Let me talk to her!

Lady: Okay.

Lady1: Hello?

Pranker: Hello, what the heck is up with you?

Lady1: What do you mean? Why did you cuss at me?

Pranker: Hello, I did not, I say what the heck is up with you? It's like a friendly, you know, hello, what the heck is up?

Pranker: You know, it's not- I'm not cussing at you!

Lady1: Are you from Jamaica?

Pranker: Uh yes, I am Jamaican guy! You know, it's very obvious, right?

Pranker: Look, we can forget about the problem you do it in my restaurant if me and you can go out on ONE DATE, what do you think?

Lady1: No! I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry.

Pranker: Okay! Don't worry, you can have a little bit of an appetizer on the side, you know?

Lady1: No, I can't!

Pranker: But, why not? Ok, what about your friend, she sounds like a single lady! You know, very- very independent woman!

Lady1: Are you on drugs?

Pranker: I AM SOBER PERSON! You know, I am only HIGH ON LIFE! [giggles]

Lady1: You're high on life?

Pranker: Right, right. In case you are enticing, you know, I have a very BIG, uh, what do they say in this country, uh, DING DONG, you know?

Lady1: A what?

Pranker: Uh, nothing. Ok, can I talk to your friend one more time?

Lady1: You have the wrong number.

Pranker: No, but- no- be- we hav- look, we have been on the phone now for like three minutes! You know, we are officially a friend.

Lady1: No we're not.

Pranker: Yes we are! We going out to- we go to have the girl night out tonight, right?

Lady1: No.

Pranker: Look, we can go for dinner tonight at- at my restaurant, I will give you the 20% off.

Lady1: What restaurant?


Lady1: You own China Capital?

Pranker: Right.

[friend in the background] That's my favorite restaurant!

Lady1: Well, that's Breanna's favorite restaurant, so I'll let you talk to her. He just said he'll give you a twenty dollar discount, if you'll go on a date with him.

[friend in the background] Ok!

Lady1: She said that she'll go on a date with you!

Pranker: Let me talk to her and try to negotiate, you know?

Lady: Hello!

Pranker: Hello?

Lady: Hey!

Pranker: Hello, honey! How are you, this is your BOYFRIEND.

Lady: This sounds like a girl.

Pranker: This is your GIRLFRIEND!

Lady: Huh?

Pranker: But look a- ok look- do you like the Chinese food? We can go together and do the date time, you know?

Lady: I love Chinese food, Chinese Capital is one of the best Chinese restaurants I've been to.

Pranker: Okay! Exactly! What is your name?

Lady: Breanna.

Pranker: Ok, look Breanna, you look, somebody come to my restaurant and they make a mess, you know that's why-

Pranker: I calling about somebody to- to fix that for me! But you know you sound like the very beautiful lady-

Pranker: I'm going to get a 2 egg roll, put out for me and you! We are going to have a nice appetizing!

Pranker: And then I hit it from the back, what do you think?

Lady: DUH!

Pranker: WHAT?

Lady: NO!

Pranker: Boh-

Lady: No!

Pranker: OH CRAP! Sorry I don't mean to-

Lady: That's not what's gonna happen!

Pranker: okay, I don't- I don't mean to- I- I- I thought in this country people like to be the straight forward, you know?

Pranker: I’m sorry! I don't mean to upset.

Lady: You don't say that! You don't say that to an American.

Pranker: OH CRAP! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I- I- I will keep my TOOTSIE ROLL to myself, okay? I promise.

Lady: OH! No, you're [freaks out]

Pranker: What? Hello? [laughing] [speaking to audience]: She hung up.

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