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AWESOME Cheating Prank Call - Scumbag Craigslist Guy

Jan 24, 2016 2.4M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls, Craigslist and Backpage pranks
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Abdo
Prank Victim: Cheating boyfriend
Rage Level: Mellow

Cheating prank call scares sleazy guy straight!

Best quotes: 

  • “I am a relationship VIGILANTE.”
  • “What is that? It’s a fark up.”

Body of content:

In this cheating prank call, I found a guy who had posted on Craigslist trying to find a girl to fool around with behind his girlfriend’s back. After some back and forth with him over email, I called him as Abdo to let him know it was MY girlfriend he had been chatting up! He quickly learned Abdo had tracked down the girlfriend who was getting cheated on and was going to let her in on the details.

This guy COMPLETELY panicked and begged Abdo, the “relationship vigilante”, to leave his girlfriend out of the situation. Sensing his panic, and the fact that he didn’t intend to actually ever meet up with another girl, I got him to agree to make a donation to a charity in exchange for Abdo’s silence. Do you think this guy is done messing around on Craigslist? Would you like to see Abdo the relationship vigilante in action again? Tell me in the comments!


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Pranker [speaking to audience]: So this guy had an ad up on Craigslist looking for a girl to fool around with behind his girlfriend’s back. 

Pranker: When messaging him, it was pretty easy to find out that he was currently in a relationship.

Pranker: After some back and forth via email, I decided to give him a call as Abdo. 

 [phone ringing] 

Guy: Hello? 

Pranker [speaking as Abdo]: Yeah, hello Jason, how are you? 

Guy: I'm good, who is this? 

Pranker: Uh, this is Abdo. 

Guy: Okay.

Pranker: Yeah, you were speaking to my uh, girlfriend, uh, Melanie, so yeah, I just wanted to, uh, you know-

Pranker: I think you wanted to set up some sexy times with her. I just wanted to figure out if you guys can get-

Pranker: like the payment squared away, and then we can set up like an appointment for like a PHONE SEX. 

Guy: I-, I'm-, that's fine, I-, I'm-, I'm good. 

Pranker: Uh, would your girlfriend want to know about it, is she interested? 

Guy: No!

Pranker: No, yeah, well okay, I'll-, I'll just call her real quick and ask and she is she's down.


Pranker: I-, I-, I don't get it, why not, like-


Pranker: OH CRAP! I didn't know that-, well I mean, don't-, don't you feel kind of farked up to do that to your girlfriend?

Guy: Just, don't call her, please? Yeah I know it's farked up, but, don't call her please? 

Pranker: Say pretty please with cherry on top. 

Guy: Pretty please with a cherry on top.

Pranker: Okay, I am pretty enticed, but, I don't know man, I feel kind of bad not telling her.

Guy: I will tell her. Don't-

Pranker: Don't bullcrap ME.

Guy: don't call her.

Pranker: You're-, you're not gonna tell her anything. Come on man, like, keep it real, keep it real with me, you don't want to-

Pranker: tell her, but okay, I think like a Benjamin Franklin, would keep me to shut up. 

Guy: [Hang up] 

Pranker: [laughing] [speaking to audience]: He hung up! Man it's so funny, the reaction was so good!

 [phone ringing]

Guy: You seriously need to stop calling this number. 

Pranker: I would advise to not hung up on me because it's not gonna fix anything, you know what I mean, like, you're being a scumbag right now.

Guy: You need to stop calling me and you no you need to stop threatening me, stop-

Pranker: I'm not threatening, you are just scumbag, you want to cheat on your girlfriend, and now you're trying to get away from it-

pranker: so if you don't want me to call her, I would suggest that you not hang up on me.

Guy: I'm not trying to meet up with her, I was just talking to her.

Pranker: I KNOW! I WAS TRYING to set up the phone sex! I was trying to set it up for you, like, I-, I don't know why you're being-

Guy: I was alright with just the email. The email was fine.

Pranker: YEAH BUT I-, we have s-

Guy: Good.

Pranker: we have to chat correspondence, I think you know Sophie (his girlfriend) might like to see it. I don't get it like is-, is Sophie not good enough for you, or what?

Guy: How did you find out about my girlfriend? 

Pranker: I am resourceful.

Guy: How did you find out? 

Pranker: I am resourceful HABIBI, like I just, I-, like I-, I found her, like she was right there, BOOM! Like very-, very quick, could-

Pranker: you do me a favor then, like we can forget all about it. Can you just donate a hundred dollars to the charity of my choice?

Guy: What charity is that? 

Pranker: Like something good, like water dot or like, feeding the children, like-

Guy: Okay, I can do that.

Pranker: Okay.

Guy: But how do I know you not gonna send it to her anyway? 

Pranker: No because, like, then I would be a scumbag too. Right now, you are the only scumbag. Because you told you tried to make a cheating, right? 

Pranker: So if I was to tell you donate to charity, and then also do it. I would be a scumbag, so I only want for you to be the scumbag here. 

Pranker: So I probably won't do that. 

Guy: So good, and never call me I just-, I-, I-, I need to know for sure that this is never gonna get to her because I-, I-

Guy: The only reason I am going to make a mental exception for this, is because you seem like you were only chatting, and not trying to meet up, you know what-

Pranker: I mean? So sometimes as long as you, look but you, you don't touch-

Guy: Yeah, no, I-, I-

Pranker: so I'm going to let it slide.

Guy: that-, that's all-, that's all it really was that-

Pranker: Okay-

Guy: and I-, I was-, I would never want to meet up with someone to cheat on my girlfriend. 

Pranker: Okay, well I appreciate, I am-

Guy: You know, what I'm saying? 

Pranker: I am because I am relationship VIGILANTE, okay? So like, you know like-, I try to make sure people aren't, doing like a bullcrap on the side. 

Guy: Look, I-, I appreciate it and-, I-, dude I have a lot of issues of my own that I've been working on and-

Pranker: I got you, you know, just because I don't want it to be too much money for you, instead of 100 dollars, you can only do twenty dollars, okay? 

Pranker: but let's this be a warning to you okay? DON'T EVER TRY TO MAKE LIKE A SNEAKY OR A BULLCRAP! WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND in the background, right? Because what is that? 

Pranker: It is a farkup, it is a FARKUP, okay? It's a fark up. So-

Guy: I-, I got you, please do not say anything to my girlfriend.

Pranker: I-, I-, I promise you-, I promise you-, I-, I give you my word that as long as you make the donation, I will not say anything or ever make contact or anything like that.

Pranker: But again, don't do this stuff anymore, ok? 

Guy: No I understand, I appreciate it. 

Pranker: Ok, okay, well thank you, my brother take care, be careful, give your girlfriend a nice hug and a kiss. And don't do this bullcrap again.

Guy: It won't happen again.

Pranker: Okay. Take care my brother.

Guy: Yeah.

Pranker: Yeah, okay, kiss. Bye, bye.

Guy: [hang up]

Pranker [speaking to audience]: Homeboy, is never going to discuss- [laughing]

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