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Crazy Swap For Assassin’s Creed Prank Call!

Nov 24, 2013 6.4M views 0 comments

Category: Craigslist and Backpage pranks
Format: Animated
Characters: Tyrone
Prank Victim: Craigslist seller
Rage Level: Mellow

Guy looking to trade Assassin’s Creed gets crazy prank call!

Best quotes: 

  • “I saw your advertisement on the uhhhh, Listing Craig”
  • “And the only way to feed him is to…. Rob a motherf****** electronics store! You know what I’m sayin’?” 
  • “I’ll get you some oral stimulation, on deck.” 

Body of content:

I found a listing on Craigslist from a guy looking to trade his copy of Assassin’s Creed 4 for either Grand Theft Auto V or Call of Duty: Ghosts. I called him up as Tyrone to tell him I was down for a trade, IF he could throw in some unusual extras. He was definitely not prepared for these requests!

First he assumes Tyrone might be looking for drugs, but is surprised to hear a getaway driver for a robbery is needed! This guy remained cool through the call, but was definitely not down for Tyrone’s escapades. I had to animate this funny call! Did you notice any funny details in the animation? Should I do another Assassin’s Creed prank? Let me know in the comments!


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James: Hello?

Pranker: Ay-ay yo what’s going on...

Pranker: ... man, I'm looking for James?

James: This is James.

Pranker: Ay yo, what you do man?

Pranker: I saw your advertisement on the, uhh, Listing Craig about the...

Pranker: ... uh, Game trade?

James: Uh huh?

Pranker: Yeah, so y-you still got the Assassins Creed, trying to trade it still or how you feeling about it?

James: Uhh yeah, no I still got it!

Pranker: Okay! Alright, alright so, is that game like WHACK or w-what makes you want to get rid of it?

James: Uhm...

James: I'm not I-I just don't like it I've never played an Assassin’s Creed before...

James: ... and uhhh, I'm just not happy with it man, I made a mistake trading my game for it...

James: ... I traded Black Ops 2 for it and...

Pranker: DAMN!

Pranker: Dawg...

James: I gave it- yeah...

Pranker: Th-the

James: I would rather have my Black Ops 2...

Pranker: Damn! Alright man, well uhh...

Pranker: Okay! So-

Pranker. I'm-I'm tryna think I could probably get you that Call Of Duty, uh-

Pranker: ... you looking for Ghosts or-or Grand Theft Auto right? To trade?

James: Uh... Yeah.

Pranker: Okay, alright, so-

Pranker: I was thinking something like uhh...

Pranker: You give me Assassin’s Creed and like 30 dollars and I'll hook you up with GTA.

James: Ahh, yeah I don't have no cash to throw on top of it, bro

Pranker: Yeah, c-come on dawg y-you could dig deep and make it happen...

James: Trying to pay my bills right now dude I don't have any cash to throw away on games man,

James: ... that's why i'm doing the trading thing.

Pranker: Alright...Alright... okay, well how about this?

Pranker: Uhh...

Pranker: Do you like uhh... Participating in Extracurricular activities?

James: Uhh... If I catch your drift, are you talking about like 420 my friend?

Pranker: Uh... I mean that.

Pranker: I-I guess that-that can count too. I mean...

James: [chuckles] yeah, I'm prop 215 compliant, yes.

Pranker: Ok, alright, well ahh...

Pranker: Well, I was actually talking about something a little different than 420...

Pranker: ...but l-let me elaborate a little bit...

Pranker: ... so I understand you...

James: Okay...

Pranker: ... you having some issues paying some bills, and...

Pranker: ... you looking for the new game.

Pranker: How about you... How you-you wanna take a ride with me, and one of my boys tonight?

Pranker: We gonna be heading to an electronics store to pick up some merchandise.

James: Aww man...

James: ... you know...

Pranker: The way I see it is that you gotta stay grinding...

Pranker: ... You gotta stay on that hustle! People always asking me why I do what I do… All I can say is…

Pranker: ... what would I do if your son was at home crying all alone on the bedroom floor...

Pranker: ... ‘cause he's hungry! And the only way to feed him is to...

Pranker: ... rob a motherfarking electronics store! You know what I’m saying?

James: [nervous laugh]

James: Maybe if this was like [sneeze] 8 years ago dude I'd be down for some crap like that dude...

James: ... but man I got a family, I can't be risking, farking going to jail

Pranker: No! NO!

James: ... and crap like that man.

Pranker: NO DAWG! The-there ain't no risk involved!

Pranker: All-all you gotta do is, y-you gotta just sit in the car, right?

Pranker: And then just drive us away!

James: [chuckles] I can't bro, I'm sorry man, I appreciate it though!

James: Don't get me wrong I ain't trying to talk crap or nothing but it's just, that just not for me,

James: ... not for me my friend.

Pranker: Yo, but we-we gonna have a afterwards we gonna hit up the after party!

Pranker: [rap music playing] We get some sexy ladies up there...

Pranker: I can get you some oral stimulation on deck!

James: [laughing] I'm cool, thanks bro!

James: Have a good day! [hangs up phone]

Pranker: Wai- wha-

Pranker: Hello? Ay yo dawg?

Pranker: Hello?

Pranker: I'm tryna get your prick sucked boy! You gonna hang up on me?! [laughing]

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