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Crazy Plumber Prank Call - Sex Prank Gone Right!

Aug 26, 2012 799.7K views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Russell
Prank Victim: Plumber shop
Rage Level: Moderate

WILD plumber shop sex prank call gone right!

Best quotes: 

  • “I ended up deciding to try to stick a slightly small but decent size T-PIPE in a not so comfortable area and, she's in kind of some extreme pain right now and I'm not really sure what to do.”
  • “What's the best way to kind of ease T-PIPE out of the a- uh the "backdoor" if you will, without minimal amounts of pain.”

Body of content:

This plumber shop was NOT prepared for a call from Russell about his sex life issues! I told them that Russell and his wife tried to spice things up in the bedroom with the help of some plumbing parts, and nothing about it had gone right! When I asked the woman on the phone how to deal with the medical issues at hand, she just wanted to get off the phone!

Should I call more locations with this crazy scenario and see how they react? What was your favorite part from this call? Let me know in the comments below!


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[phone ringing]

Lady: Thank you for calling [censored], this is Ashley, how may I help you?

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: Yeah, yeah, hey Ashley, how are you doing? Uhm, I- I just wanted to call and- and hopefully-

Pranker: have you answer some of my questions. I'm kind of having a weird situation right now, and I just Googled "plumbing"-

Pranker: and you're the first number that came up. Uh, mmm, mmm, do you- are you- do you happen to know anything about plumbing yourself by any chance-

Pranker: or, are you just like a receptionist?

Lady: Uhm, I know a few things. I can try to help you out.

Pranker: Okay! Awesome! Thank you. Uhm, w- w- hold on, I'm gonna go check up on my wife again. [inhales] I'm-

Pranker: [sighs] I don't even know where to start. Basically my wife and I, we're- we're trying things were getting a little routine at home and-

Pranker: BLAH BLAH BLAH, we wanted to try something new and, [sighs], this is- I know this is gonna sound extremely stupid, but, we ended up-

Pranker: I ended up deciding to try to stick a slightly small but decent size T-PIPE in a not so comfortable area and, she's in kind of some-

Pranker: extreme pain right now and I'm not really sure what to do. [crying in the background]

Pranker: Hello?

Lady: Uhm, one second please, can you please hold?

Pranker: I mean, I guess if I really have to, but- it's kind of urgent.

Lady: I think you need to call the hospital if that is the problem.

Pranker: Well th- well the problem is that she's extremely extremely embarrassed and her relative is like- one of her- I think it was her-

Pranker: aunt or something is one of the head people at the hospital and she's kind of- she's like:

Pranker: "There's no way in heck I can go to the hospital like this. I'll never live it down."

Pranker: So, I was hoping I could somehow ease that outta there and if wi- u- using your assistance and your expertise? [crying in the background]

Lady: Sir, I think you got the wrong number.

Pranker: I- I don't- I don't think so. I- I- this is the- this is the plumbing place, right?


Pranker: Yeah, are you guys deal with T-PIPES, right?

Lady: YES?

Pranker: Yeah, so I was wondering if you could let me know, like, what's the best way to kind of ease T-PIPE out of the a-

Pranker: uh the "backdoor" if you will, without minimal amounts of pain.

[crying in the background]

Pranker: Don't worry! It sounds-

Lady: IS THIS A PRA-!?

Pranker: it's-

Lady: Is-

Pranker: it sounds a lot worse then it i-

Lady: who am I speaking to?

Pranker: this is Russell.

Lady: "Russell"? Okay?

Pranker: Yes, ma'am, uh, ma'am-

Lady: And what's your address, Russell?

Pranker: ma'am please, I- it's- it's kind of urgent right now, you coming here is not really gonna do anything for me. I'm just wondering-

Pranker: do you have any insight as to how I can go about EASILY removing this from her rectum more or less and w-

Lady: Oh, you need to stop.

Pranker: I-

Lady: You need to stop right now.

Pranker: WISH- I WISH this was a joke! I realize this sounds kind of crazy.

Lady: Uh, I'm calling the police and we're gonna trace this number. Please do not call back.

Pranker: If- if- if- if you insist then sure, hello? HELLO? [speaking to audience]: I'm calling her back right now, actually. [giggles]

[phone ringing]

Lady: Thank you for calling [censored] this is Cindy, may I help you?

Pranker: Hey, Cindy, I think we got disconnected, I don't know what's going on, I think there's-

Lady: YES WE DID, I- I- I'm unable to help you.

Pranker: but, but, I don't- why are you being so rude to me? Like I honestly like I'm- I'm really thrown off by what's going on here-

Pranker: Like I'm- I'm asking for some assis-

Lady: You need to call an ambulance, you need to call a profe- you know, somebody that's medically can help- help her. I can't help you.

Pranker: k- it won't- well ma'am excuse my French, but why are you being such a B-I-T-C-H right now, I don't understand?

Lady: Oh my goodness sake. I'm calling the police on you.


Lady: I'm calling th-


Lady: oh, okay.

Pranker: Alright. Right.

Lady: That's- that's- that's good, please don't call back here.

Pranker: I- K, I love you.

Lady: [hang up]

Pranker: [laughing] [speaking to audience]: Oh God. Uh, [laughing] I thought it was believable enough that she could have like, you know, pretended-

Pranker: uh, [laughing].

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