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Hilarious Prank Call (Used Shavers!) - Craigslist Pranks

Apr 28, 2011 1.8M views 0 comments

Category: Craigslist and Backpage Pranks, Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Tyrone
Prank Victim: Appliance collector
Rage Level: Mellow

Craigslist pranks with a crazy metal recycler!

Best quotes: 

  • “Damn, dawg, so you love it when they call you big Poppa right?”
  • “It ends up getting weaker, weaker it's like LULULULULULULUL and it gets clogged.”
  • “So you- you don't fark with shavers?”

Body of content:

Craigslist pranks always end up connecting me to odd people, and this prank call was no different! I found an advertisement by a guy looking to pick up appliances or scrap metal, so I called him up as Tyrone and asked if he would want to take away a bunch of used shavers. There was one catch - the shavers were clogged with pubes!

He was thrown off by the request and started rambling about his former life as a “Godfather” type of gangster in Cuba, and his music video productions for big-name rappers. Do you think this guy really did everything he said or was it just talk? What kind of Craigslist ads should I call up next? Let me know in the comments!


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Pranker: [clears throat]

[phone ringing]

Guy: [mumbling]

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: I saw a ad on Craigslist about a, uh- picking up appliances says call me for a pick up of all broken appliances and A/C units too.

Guy: Yeah you have a- You have a broken appliance?

Pranker: I- I have a bunch of broken uh-uh- shaving units and I was wondering if you all-

Pranker: If that's the kind of thing you all be picking up w-w-what kind of stuff because-

Guy: Yeah [stuttering] I pick up appliances, that's what I do yeah.

Pranker: Okay, well I-I-I've been through over the past like 4-5 years. I've been through the bunch of these uh...

Pranker: These shavers? Is these-

Guy: Yeah-

Pranker: Is these- these Noelco, it's fr the- it's for the genital area, and everytime it be getting clogged, it gets farked up

Pranker: I toss it out because apparently there's no refunds because it's a genital trimmer, but I have a big box of them but they're broken.

Guy: Yeah, is it metal- metal pieces? What is it?

Pranker: It's like shavers, you- you shave your pubes with the- with the- with the metal uh, with the electric shavers.

Guy: All I do is say yeah, do it saying yeah yeah? Uh well what I do I pick up the metal, I pick up the metal, I pick up appliances.

Pranker: I mean it's an appliance, it has metal in it but I mean the metal's like clogged with my...

Pranker: ... With my- with my... My, you know.

Guy: Uh-huh. And where are you located at?

Pranker: Vegas.

Guy: Yeah what- what part of Vegas?

Pranker: Uhm, right next to the airport. Right by-

Guy: Okay-

Guy: Uh-huh? Okay so do you have a, do you think you have like a box full of- of appliance? Plates and pieces?

Pranker: I mean it's- it's just the shavers. I mean they- they after like uh, you know...

Pranker: After about 3-4 weeks of shaving my- my- my garden, you know what I'm saying, it gets- it end up in getting weaker, weaker it's like [making noise] and it gets clogged.

Guy: Uh-huh. Oh yeah, yeah.

Pranker: So I stopped. So I stopped using it.

Guy: Go ahead. Oh yeah. What I do is I pick up- I pick up the washer and dryers and stuff...

Pranker: Oh okay so you- so you-

Guy: That's what I do my friend, yeah.

Pranker: So you- you don't fark with shavers?

Guy: Uhm, well I've never seen them, I don't even know what they are. I don't even know what they look like.

Pranker: Okay, I mean- I mean did- did- I mean it has parts in it. It's mostly plastic but I think the uh...

Pranker: ... the- the- the metal parts has a uh some functionalities you could like throw like a ninja star or something?

Guy: Yeah, yeah. Yeah and I never- what I do I pick up the washer and dryer and pick up free to use washer and dryer and stuff like that.

Pranker: What- what- what do you do with it?

Guy: I just recycle them.

Pranker: Do you get paid for that? Can I get on this business?

Guy: Yeah you can- you can- you can get recycle on it you can releak you can eh... You don't get that much money though, you only get like 6$.

Guy: Depends how much they wight, you get like 6$ uh...

Pranker: Dawg, 6$ is like a motherfarking three piece dinner at Popeyes man, 6$ is good.

Guy: I know man, so you got to really work so you know, you got to work hard for it. Now with the gas, it's really hard right now.

Guy: With the gas, everybody's doing it man.

Pranker: Yeah man! Gas prices be climbing man, it's like through the roof.

Guy: It's crazy, you right, it's crazy man.

Pranker: It's hard- It's hard out here for a pimp, we trying to get the money for the rent, you know what I'm saying?

Guy: Yeah, heard that man, can't get money out here. I used to be a big timer. In my good days for 25 years I'm a big timer-

Pranker: Damn

Guy: And now I'm picking up washers and dryers you know?

Pranker: Damn dawg, you- you- you back in the day you were recycling cans and crap, 5 cents, 5 cent, what's good yo, let me get that Soda pop, let me get that?

Guy: No, no, in the back dude, I was- I'm Cuban, I went hard in back, I was a big Scarface.

Pranker: Oh, damn, dawg whoa!

Guy: [giggling]

Pranker: So you- so-

Guy: And I came to Vegas- I came to Vegas I became poor. My wife left me after 25 years, she left me, she went back to California.

Pranker: Damn, dawg, so you love it when they call you big Poppa right? The ladies?

Guy: Yeah, I used to be big Poppa baby, you're right about that my friend.

Pranker: Oh yeah.

Guy: I also did the- I also did videos- I did videos- I did a big pimpin video. I was the-

Pranker: You did which-

Guy: I was the Jay-Z. I worked with Jay-Z, I was the uh- with Sisqo's video. I did a Celine Dione video, I came out here to Vegas, became broke!

Pranker: Sisqo, that- that- that- that- thong- tha- thong? That guy?

Guy: Yeah I did a Thong, but I did the- I did their video, I worked in their video, but you're right, thong thong [laughing]

Pranker: You crazy dawg! Look-

Guy: Yeah I did that man! I did that my man! [laughing]

Pranker: [stuttering] Instead of moving on up, you moved on down, now you recycling crap and stuff.

Guy: I moved on back down! Like recycling and crap man.

Pranker: Damn!

Guy: I know man.

Pranker: I- sum- lum- tum- num she [fake laughing] It's crazy.

Guy: [giggles]

Pranker: Oooh...

Guy: What's your name man?

Pranker: My name is Tyrese.

Guy: Tyrese, how you doing my friend? How are you buddy?

Pranker: I'm good.

Guy: My name is Rico and nice talking to you man.

Pranker: Yeah dawg.

Guy: Alright, take care buddy.

Pranker: Alright. Alright, love you.

Pranker: Yo- how you gonna do me like that- hello?

Pranker [speaking to audience]: What the fark was that? [laughing]

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