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Hookah Water Has A Cockroach Prank Call! Ownage Pranks

Dec 16, 2012 1.2M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Abdo
Prank Victim: Hookah lounge
Rage Level: Moderate

Hookah lounge owner gets defensive over cockroach infestation prank call!

Best quotes: 

  • “STUPID FACE! Hello? I believe we got off on the wrong FOOT.”
  • “I make a very SICK BOY now! And I hear a STUPID MAN on the telephone, LAUGH at me! He think is FUNNY, right?”

Body of content:

There’s an easy way to put any business owner on edge - tell them you found a cockroach in their establishment! As Abdo, I called this hookah lounge and told the owner that I found a cockroach in the hookah water and I wanted appropriate compensation. The owner wasn’t buying Abdo’s story and was ready to fight this one out!

Do you think anyone has ever found a cockroach in hookah water before? Should I do a cockroach infestation prank call on another business? Tell me what you think in the comments below.


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[phone ringing]

Lady: Thank you for calling [censored], how can I help you?

Pranker [speaking as Abdo]: Ah yes, HELLO, uh, can I PLEASE uh, speak to the owner please?

Lady: Yep, let me get him.

Pranker: EXCELLENT, thank you!

Guy: Hello?

Pranker: Uh, hello?

Guy: Hello!

Pranker: My name is ABDO, I am calling about uh, a problem I have there, uh, AT LAST WEEKEND!

Guy: Yeah.

Pranker: Uh, I- I- I come to- you know uh-

Guy: What is the problem?

Pranker: I- I like your uh- your uh- your PLACE very much. I come there, I meet the very nice PEOPLE-

Pranker: the food is usually very nice, everything is very GOOD. Last time I came, uh, next to the closing-

Pranker: AND by the time I was leaving, I was finishing uh, THE HOOKAH AND I notice a some- something very-

Pranker: DISGUSTING IN THE WATER! But it was closing time, so I- I- I said- they said they were closing now-

Pranker: And I told them I would call- call on- on Monday or TUESDAY!

Guy: Uhh, brother!

Pranker: YES!

Guy: You are- where are you from?

Pranker: What- what- where are you from? WHERE DO YOU THINK IS?

Guy: It eh- uh- no- no- do- because your accent like Arab people!

Pranker: OH ALRIGHT! I- I am- I am from the Middle East like YOU! I think is, right?

Guy: Okay! You can uh, speak Arabic if you want?

Pranker: Ahh, it's okay WILL PASS!

Guy: Ahh, ok. Egh, eh, [speaking in Arabic]

Pranker: Uh, ca- can we ple- eh- LOOK, I- I- I'm little bit UPSET about what HAPPEN, okay?

Pranker: I- I- I- I get uh, the uh, THE HOOKAH from- from you guys! And, when I was leaving-

Pranker: I found a uh, a COCKROACH inside the WATER, AND it is very-

Guy: A cockroach?

Pranker: It's VERY VERY sur- SURPRISING to me, I don't know is this some kind of a- A JOKE-

Pranker: somebody try-

Guy: Why you don't tell me-

Pranker: to play-

Guy: that time?

Pranker: WHAT? I- I- I- I- I SIT THERE! I was very DISGUSTED! I- I go outside, I start to-

Pranker: THROW UP, I- I- I feel like the CRAP. I- I feel- I feel like a very STUPID man for-

Guy: But- but-

Pranker: for- for e-

Guy: ok, ok, brother! Uh, let me tell you. Why that time weh uh- why you don't tell me?

Guy: Everyday, we clean the water! Everyday we clean the hookah-

Pranker: You must HAVE like a cockroach in the BACK or SOMETHING!

Guy: but I- nobody tell me-

Pranker: because I-

Guy: but nobody tell me, eh, somebody throw up outside!

Pranker: oh, oh, it is very DISGUST! You know, I was very SICK! I was- with- with my WIFE!

Guy: No, no, no, listen, listen-

Pranker: we're sitting together- she says- says LET'S GO, LET'S GO!

Guy: can you come here? Can you come here? Please!

Pranker: I wuh- I-

Guy: Can you come here?

Pranker: I-

Guy: I want to talk to you here face to face.

Pranker: I- I CAN LOOK, MOTHERYUCK- LOOK, I- I- I can come there, I want to- to exc- I want you to-

Pranker: EXPLAIN to me what can we do here? For like a COMPENSATION for like, uh, I- I feel like STUPID MAN.

Guy: Listen to me.

Pranker: LOOK. Do- CAN YOU PLEASE! Eh, I don't understand this WHY you cannot tell me if- YOU'RE NOT STUPID, right?

Pranker: You can tell me what can you do for me, give me OPTION!

Guy: What's a- what's ugh- eh- you want eh-

Pranker: I-

Guy: tell me what do you want?

Pranker: YOU TELL ME! What can you do? Can I get like, uh, A GIFT CARD, A- A FREE HOOKAH for life, or something? Or what can we do?

Guy: [chuckles]

Pranker: I- I know you might think that I-

Guy: Uh-

Pranker: I know a li- LISTEN. Okay? Don't like a FARK to YOU! YOU THINK IS A FUNNY? It's not funny to me, ah? I- I- I- I THROW UP-

Pranker: I make a very SICK BOY now! And I hear a STUPID MAN on the telephone, LAUGH at me! He think is FUNNY, right?


Pranker: IT'S NOT FUNNY!

Guy: If you want, COME! COME! COME!

Pranker: I WILL, I- I-

Guy: Come here, and I will, I will make deal with you, come here-

Pranker: IF I- if I come there-

Guy: come here, ok?

Pranker: if i come there, I'm gonna shove my-

Guy: Okay, I don't have time!


Guy: I don't have time to talk-

Pranker: FOOT! UP YOUR-

Guy: with you now

Pranker: ASS! I'm GOING TO SHOVE MY FOOT IN YOUR BUTT, okay? Hello? HELLO? HELLO? [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Lady: Thank you for calling [censored], this is Stephanie.

Pranker: Uh, hello Stephanie, how are you?

Lady: Good, how are you?

Pranker: I'M GREAT! Uh, I am uh- the- the manager is my friend here, we were talking like a-

Pranker: 20 minutes ago, I told him I had a phone call, so I'm ca- I'm trying to call him back now.

Lady: Uhm, what's your name?

Pranker: Uh- m- my name is RICHARD.

Guy: Oh, Richard?

Pranker: YES. RIGHT.

Lady: Uh, what can I do for you?

Pranker: Uh, uh, me and the manager we're talking about uh, WHOLESALE DEAL, for uh, for the- the- the-

Pranker: the HOOKAH and like some INGREDIENTS and stuff like that! So I need to speak with him, PLEASE?

Lady: Uh, I'm sorry, he's busy right now, I can't put him on the phone.

Pranker: Ok, when will be the best time, uh, to call him back?

Lady: Okay!

Pranker: Eh, that- that- I ASK YOU A QUESTION and then you just said: "OK" that's not like, uh, real answer!

Lady: Ehm, to, have him call you back?

Pranker: No, when will be the best time for me to call him BACK! Because right now, I'm calling him from the-

Pranker: OVER SEAS, I'm trying to get uh, A SHIPMENT, for uh- for his SUPPLIES, for uh- for the- THE RESTAURANT!

Lady: Oh okay, uhm-

Pranker: IT'S VERY URGENT! I don't know why, eh- he was expec- expecting me to call! And now you tell me he's busy!

Lady: uhm, I can-

Pranker: Ca-

Lady: is it possible to call back in an hour?

Pranker: One- ONE HOUR?

Lady: Is that possible?

Pranker: DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I AM PAYING NOW just for the- because the CONNECTION FEE! I'm- I PAY- I PAY LIKE 75 cents.

Lady: Uhm, he's- he has your number-

Pranker: Look, uh- PLEASE! Just put him on the phone PLEASE! Don't make like a BULLCRAP with me, I- I- I-, he's waiting!

Pranker: It's a big DEAL, right? He's paying ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Lady: okay, I can- I can check.

Pranker: Alright, THANK YOU!

Guy: Hello?

Pranker: Hello, yes Hello?


Pranker: Hey look, wuh- why you- why you hang up on me man?

Guy: LISTEN TO ME, if you- if you have receipt, can- bring the receipt?


Guy: And show me.



Pranker: FARK TO YOU!


Pranker: And f- LOOK, don't-


Pranker: I will, I will-

Guy: HEY!

Pranker: call over, AND OVER, AND OVER, until you give me like a COMPENSATION, right-

Guy: Listen to me, don't- don't use that word with me and if you have anything!

Guy: You can come here and I will- I will-

Pranker: I'm going-

Guy: take that receipt from you, eh- eh- eh- I will call the police.

Pranker: I'm going to leave THE BAD REVIEW ONLINE, I'm going to put on THE YELP! On- on- on the-

Guy: WHY YOU DON'T TELL ME? That time?

Pranker: the, THE CN-

Guy: Why is it now that you call me?

Pranker: Okay.

Guy: Before one week?

Pranker: Alright, LA- LAST WEEKEND you STUPID!

Guy: Weekend- I didn't see you here! Everyday I am here.

Pranker: HUH. HOW DID- look, MOTHERBITCH, how are you gonna tell me, you don't see me! You don't even know me-

Pranker: to tell me I don't see you.


Pranker: BECAUSE YOU'RE LIKE a STUPID, eh? You try to- to- to-



Guy: If you call here- if you call next time, I will call the police about you.


Guy: I WILL TAKE YOUR- YOUR- YOUR NUMBER! And then I give it to the police!


Guy: Tell- don't call again!

Pranker: STUPID FACE! Hello? I believe we got off on the wrong FOOT. Hello? [laughing]

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