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I Think He's Gay! - Awesome Dog Prank Video

Mar 30, 2017 889.4K views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Tyrone
Prank Victim: Pet Store
Rage Level: Mellow

Hilarious gay dog prank call video on a fancy pet store!

Best quotes: 

  • “Like, he got the Lust & Trust, the Organ Grinder, like I mean, I'm thinking maybe if we watch some adult films together maybe he'll develop a taste for- for- for vagina instead of penis!”
  • “I'm just on the fence of like- taking away that gift from him, you know what I'm saying? Like… he- heh his BIG BALLS.”
  • “I might have like- like the herpa derp or something like that?”
  • “I was watching some of my old sex tapes with my BooBoo, and he goes- he goes up to the TV and like- and like licks the sham lam doobily on the damn TV!”
  • “I never expected to have a dog of gay descent myself you know, but I'm open to it, you know. I'm open-minded.”

Body of content:

How do you know if your dog is gay? Tyrone got a dog and noticed he has some sexual tendencies towards men specifically. Clearly, a prank call with a boutique pet store is in order! You'll love this hilarious prank video! What kind of prank call should I do on a pet store next time? Let me know in the comments below!


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[glass breaking]

Pranker [speaking to audience]: Huge announcement coming tomorrow: THE BIGGEST ONE YET. Subscribe.

[phone ringing]

Girl: [censored] pets, good afternoon.

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Uh, yeah I-I came in there, you know, a little while ago and you know [sighs]...

Pranker: I-I got a little puppy and, I just been having some issues so I didn't know if I could just call back and ask you all for some insight on like...

Pranker: ... just behavioural analysis on a puppy?

Girl: Uhm, what puppy is this?

Pranker: Well, I got like a little cute pug over there.

Girl: Okay...

Pranker: I- I guess let- let me just cut you the chase 'cause like- I'm real confused right now, I just want a couple of answers so like...

Pranker: ... do you know if dogs choose their sexual orientation or it's something like they're kind of just like, born with or like...

Girl: Orientation about what? About them being...

Pranker: Yeah l-l-like their sexual orientation because-

Girl: Uhm....

Girl: Humping or?

Pranker: Yeah, like that, like humping and sniffing and w-what not because like I-I don't know why but there seems to be like uh- a situation where the dog, no matter what...

Pranker: ... it's always approaching men and just trying to sniff their privates, you know what I'm saying? So like...

Pranker: It's never women, it's always- it's always men-

Girl: That's something normal in all dogs, that's how they get to know you.

Pranker: No, no, I totally understand bu-but wouldn't they not discriminate though?

Girl: Uhm...

Pranker: Because it only seems like they do it to men. Like, always, ALWAYS, like I literally have a women stand in front of them and he just turns around.

Girl: Well that has nothing to do with sexual orientation with the dog. Is he neutered or spayed?

Pranker: Uh, no- he- he- he's not neutered, no.

Girl: So, you would have to neuter him, that will also calm him down a lot.

Pranker: I- I- I did wanna get him neutered but I felt bad like... 'Cause he's got some like, big old balls and stuff like, to cut them off I felt like it must be real painful so like...

Girl: They don't- they don't really see because they go under anesthesia, you still have to neuter him, that actually calms them down a lot from his behaviour...

Pranker: Yeah...

Girl: Uhm, but that has nothing to do with him being homosexual because that's not- not in their nature.

Pranker: I guess I'm just wondering because like, I'm just starting to get some like weird looks and stuff from my homies, 'cause I don't know like...

Girl: Mhm...

Pranker: ... they're starting to think that like, you know he- he takes after his owner and lik, maybe he's doing gay things because of my behaviour so like...

Pranker: ... I just- I- I'm just curious you know like-

Girl: [laughing]

Pranker: [stuttering]

Girl: No! It doesn't like that. That's something natural in dogs, that is something that would go away if you neuter him. [dogs barking in the background]

Pranker: I got you...

Pranker: I got you... I-I-Is there happen to be like a- like a in the meantime though, until I could do that or afford that like, is there like a lotion or something like that...

Pranker: ... that I could put on my sham lam doobily that would- that would act as like a dog repellant so that he could go to girls maybe and not- not me?

Girl: No...

Pranker: Well like, I-I do think that, you know he- he picks up after me, you know what I'm saying? So I'm trying to like, just see if I can like...

Pranker: ... you know, just teach him, like, how to not do this, so I don't know like do I gotta go get on my hands and knees and start sniffing people's privates or like?

Girl: [giggles] Uh, no sir! It doesn't really- like I said it- it's more behavioural problem then in general being, you know, it has nothing to do with homosexuality in a dog.

Girl: There is no such thing.

Pranker: I got you. Ever since I heard you say the whole thing about like- just h-how they pick up after you and stuff like- it all makes sense now, ''cause I'm trying to think back now 'cause...

Pranker: ... he- I- at one point you know my dog saw me plowing my BooBoo Bertha... And I think that he got the same ideas as me, because...

Pranker: ... the next time he was at a park he was doing like, the same things you know what I'm saying so like...

Pranker: He was using all my moves! Like- like- like you know like-

Girl: He's your baby!

Pranker: Yeah, that's right! Like, he got the Lust & Trust, the Organ Grinder, like I mean, I'm thinking maybe if we watch some adult films together maybe he'll develop a taste for- for- for vagina instead of penis!

Girl: [laughing]

Pranker: You know what I'm saying? 'Cause I don't know what to do!

Girl: No! That ain- The dog is not even gonna know what the video is about! It's more just in smell.

Pranker: I got you... Okay.

Girl: Uhm...

Pranker: And like- so like-

Girl: Yes-

Pranker: Do they get attracted to like pungent smell? Is bad hygiene like, attract them because I- I take a lot of showers and stuff...

Girl: Yeah, that has nothing to do-

Pranker: ... but I don't know why he- I do- maybe he likes my shampoo or something like that?

Girl: Maybe- uh- another good thing is like you would have to get yourself checked out.

Girl:Maybe you have some issue uhm, around that area because sometimes dogs would alert that.

Pranker: Oh! Really? Like, do- do you think he might think- you might- I might have like- like the herpa derp or something like that?

Girl: Yeah, it's because of the smell-

Girl: [chuckles] Yeah you just have to go to the doctor and see, maybe he's telling you something you'd- we're misinterpreting that with homosexuality. Uhm...

Pranker: Yeah, it's just weird honestly like it's just- Yeah...

Girl: So get yourself checked out, go to the vet...

Pranker: I'll go do that, it's just like there's so many weird indications, I just don't know how to react 'cause like, even when like...

Pranker: ... I was watching some of my old sex tapes with my BooBoo, and he goes- he goes up to the TV and like- and like licks the sham lam doobily on the damn TV!

Pranker: So like, he- just something wrong with him!

Girl: You just have to accept him as he- as he is if he's homosexual, you just have to accept him, right?

Pranker: Yeah, that's right, that's right. Honestly I'm about to put up a rainbow out-

Girl: [chuckles]

Pranker: Imma put a rainbow flag outside my door you know, in solidarity and stuff like that, you know I'm all about that.

Pranker: I never expected to have a dog of gay descent myself you know, but I'm open to it, you know. I'm open-minded.

Girl: Ge- ge- get him neutered to begin with, and then from there if he keeps doing the same thing and you're showing him all those videos and he con-

Girl: continues to do it then... Have to get yourself checked out.

Pranker: Okay, alright. Okay alright, I'm just like a- again I would love a second opinion, I'm just on the fence of like- taking away that gift from him, you know what I'm saying? Like...

Pranker: ... he- heh his BIG BALLS. Just 'cause- th-that's a gift.

Girl: Yeah...

Girl: [chuckles] Yeah but I mean, that's not gonna help if he's homosexual you know.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, I feel you. I have an idea, how about I swing through real quick and like, let's just do a quick test and we'll just see if he sniffs your privates!

Pranker: Because like, he'll definitely sniff mine. Like, you'll see him right, like he'll be all over mine but like...

Girl: [chuckles] Oh, mine?

Girl: There is any other questions, you could always give us a call back.

Pranker: Alright, BooBoo, I-I'm a come through and see you right now, alright, so like you know...

Girl: Okay...

Pranker: I might have to- i-if my dog diagnoses any health issues with you though, I might have to charge you like a little fee, so if he finds out you got lupus or something like that you better pay me BooBoo!

Girl: [laughing] Okay.

Pranker: Okay-

Girl: Have a good day sir.

Pranker: Alright BooBoo.

Girl: Bye.

Pranker: Okay. Snff-sniff! [phone call ends] [laughing]

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