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Leasing an Office Prank Call - Ownage Pranks

Mar 17, 2016 1M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Rakesh
Prank Victim: Leasing office
Rage Level: Mellow

Leasing office prank call with Indian call center scammer!

Best quotes: 

  • “I will show you a good time, you know, like, take you out, we can go hip hop it, right?”
  • “Tell me, does he like it spicy, right?”
  • “I'm just trying to be efficient, I'm all about being efficient, so I want to just bang it out at the same time…”
  • “I just want to Netflixitus and chill, okay, what about that?”

Body of content:

Calling as Rakesh the IRS tax scammer, I pranked an office space leasing agent and told her our operation in India was looking to go international. She didn’t seem phased at all by Rakesh mentioning shady things about “doing calls for the IRS” from India, or the fact that he wanted to cram twice the normal amount of people into the office like sardines!

When it looked like Rakesh was going to be able to secure the office space, I stepped things up and tried to get a date on the side! Her reaction was priceless. Do you think she was oblivious that the things Rakesh was saying pointed to him being a scammer, or was it just easier for her to ignore the red flags? Let me know in the comments below!


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Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: What it do boo boos?

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: What's up OP crew? I wanted to upload a bonus video for you all this week-

Pranker: and ask for a really small favor. I'm working on some cool new content and how it's used, but would-

Pranker: love your feedback on exactly what you'd like to see from me. Please fill out the quick four question-

Pranker: survey linked on the screen and down below, for most of you, it will take less than one minute of your time-

Pranker: and, as an additional bonus, I'll be emailing everyone who fills it out, a never before heard piece of content.

Pranker: Ten of you who submit the most detailed and helpful responses will also get a personal phone call from me, thanking-

Pranker: you for your time, and we can also just like, you know, chat about life.

Pranker: Thank you all so much in advance, hope you enjoy this bonus clip.

[phone ringing]

Lady: Hi, this is Kelly.

Pranker [speaking as Rakesh]: Yeah, hello Kelly, I was just calling about the advertisement for the office space.

Lady: Sure. Uhm, [indistinctive speaking] the office rooms, that, sir, in $500 range and go from there between-

Pranker: Got you. Basically, I am the head operationist for call center in India and right now-

Lady: mhm.

Pranker: we're trying to expand out operation to one office in the United States.

Lady: What are you- so, are you looking to put one person out here or?

Pranker: Well my guys, they are used to, you know, a little bit tight space, so I just wanted to set up some-

Pranker: relatively small cubicle spaces, right, with just enough space for one computer, a chair like that, we-

Pranker: can line them up like sardines and, you know, set up operation, right?

Lady: Got you. Got you. So, how many bodies are you looking to put in?

Pranker: I'm thinking like uh, maybe 15.

Lady: Okay.

Pranker: Well, yeah, you know-

Lady: Mhm.

Pranker: I'm flexible, you know, if the price is right, we can just start off with 10, and I told you, you know-

Pranker: we're used to smaller spaces, so, when you say 10, we can probably fit 20, you know?

Lady: Sure, yeah, absolutely, I've done that where we put, uh, the smaller work stations into one office, you can put more people.

Pranker: Yeah, right, right, like a sardine, right.

Lady: Mhm. [giggling]

Pranker: Yeah.

Lady: Exactly.

Pranker: Okay, great! So yeah, you know, we're doing call center, you know, we're having commission based sales, so I was wondering-

Pranker: if anybody there would be interested in trying to get a piece of equity in our business in exchange for slightly cheaper rate.

Lady: Uh, we don't actually do anything along those line, it's just straight up the pricing that would offer you on the offices, uh- [indistinctive speaking], so yeah.

Pranker: Are you sure, because, we've actually ben clearing like, you know, six figures per month, right, you know, right around tax season-

Pranker: there is like- we do IRS calls, for the IRS.

Lady: Mhm, mhm.

Pranker: Yes, so, we can- you know, we're tracking down some people for them and we're collecting funds, but from India, but we need for legality-

Pranker: we need office space in America too, right?

Lady: Yeah, no, I understand that, but uhm, we're a global run company and I don't know that they will purchase anything into your company.

Pranker: They don't have to buy anything, you know, they just have to say like handshake, like: "Hello my doggie here is, you know, 20 percent off you give me 20 percent equities." Yeah.

Lady: Uh, that's something I would have to check into that, that something I've heard of. [indistinctive speaking] Yeah.

Pranker: Got you, got you, got you. Ok well, how about this, you seem like great saleswoman, if I come in to fly down about okay, you come show me the spaces, right?

Pranker: And then I can take you out like one Buffet.

Lady: Perfect, you want to go ahead and set up a tour date now or do you-

Pranker: Yeah, no-

Lady: want to ring back to me when you get your price?

Pranker: no we can do that, that's fine, but uh, but we're just- so I can plan like a nice evening, what kind of cuisine food do you like it?

Lady: Uh, well, you don't have to take me out for- [giggles], that's fine, you can come into the office, we can have coffee and I can show you-

Pranker: No-

Lady: you don't have to do anything for me.

Pranker: no I want to- I want to wine and dine, right, I will show you a good time, you know, like, take you out, we can go hip hop it, right? We can-

Lady: Oh, [laughing], sure, when do you wanna come in?

Pranker: Yeah, in like two weeks, or you, uh- what do they say in your country, I'm trying to be- are you single and ready to mingle, right?

Lady: [laughing] I am not single and ready to mingle.

Pranker: Oh, oh crap.

Lady: I'm very married.

Pranker: Oh, your husband can come too. What about that?

Lady: [giggles] Uh, I'll see if he was interested.

Pranker: Okay, well, tell me this, before I ask him, between you and I, is he open-minded?

Lady: [giggling] Who is this? [laughing]

Pranker: Tell me, does he like it spicy, right?

Lady: He likes his Indian food spicy.

Pranker: Okay, what is his number, I will three-way him very fast, right? We can all talk about?

Lady: I'm just looking to sell you offices, that's enough.

Pranker: No, no, no, of course, you know, I just- I just don't want him to think you are doing-

Pranker: him infidelity, right? So I just want him to be comfortable, right?

Lady: [giggling] That's why I'm so [indistinctive speaking] you come in and take a good look at the office.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, no, I understand, but, you know, after that, you know, we can just chill out, you know-

Pranker: go out, you could give me a back rub something like that.

Lady: [giggling] No, I think we're done.

Pranker: I know, but you know, I've been sitting in a desk all day, my shoulders are very tight. Hello? [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Lady: This is Kelly.

Pranker: Yeah, hello Kelly, we got disconnect, I think, right?

Lady: No, we didn't get disconnected, I don't think I can help you with what you're looking for.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, no, no, don't get me wrong, you know, I want office, I also want companionship, right-

Pranker: I'm just trying to be efficient, I'm all about being efficient, so I want to just bang it out at the same time-

Pranker: you know what I'm saying?

Lady: Yeah, okay, you know-

Pranker: Look, look, look, all I'm trying to- okay, I know, but all I'm trying to say, your husband can come too, I just want to-

Pranker: Netflixitus and chill, okay, what about that? Hello? [laughing] [speaking to audience]: Okay, I think there should be a t-shirt with Rakesh, "Netflixitus and chill, right? Let's do it!"

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