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Prank Call With French Language Teacher - Ownage Pranks

Jun 28, 2015 1.5M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Buk Lau
Prank Victim: French teacher
Rage Level: Mellow

Hilarious prank call with a French language teacher!

Best quotes: 

  • “Uh- ju my pen a Buk Lau.”
  • “Last thing I want to know, if you want to like tell a girl, I think you are very beautiful I want to take you home and plant the seed. How do you say that?”
  • “How do you say I want to BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, let me hear you say: "HEY YO", at your house?”

Body of content:

I did a prank call on a French language teacher as Buk Lau; an odd guy looking to hook up with some pretty French ladies! The teacher couldn’t believe her ears when Buk told her the phrases he wanted to learn! This lesson didn’t go down well. What did you think of this prank? Put your thoughts in the comments below!


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[phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Uh, duh hello, bon jouree, how are you doing today?

Lady: Hello, I'm good.

Pranker: Okay, excellent, yeah, I email you about your French lesson you- you reply to me.

Lady: Yeah.

Pranker: Yeah, so I wondering, you know, I going to France soon, and I was wondering, you tell me you can give me like a couple words on the-

Pranker: telephone to see if I'm a roast, because or if somebody can help me do it. Do you have just two minutes to give me a couple-

Pranker: I, uh- some sample phrases that I would use on my trip there?

Lady: Okay, okay, well, can you- do you want to try a few words?

Pranker: Yeah if- if you don't mind, I would love a couple word just to see if I have any hope or if I should just try to go on vacation somewhere else.

Lady: Okay.

Pranker: Okay, so hit me.

Lady: Uhm, well, can you say your name and where you're from?

Pranker: Uh, hello, my name is Buk Lau, I am a half Vietnamese half Chinese, nice to meet you.

Lady: Nice to meet you, but, can you say this in French?

Pranker: Oh no, that is where you supposed to come in and you help me out remember?

Lady: Okay but, do you know any word in French, so far?

Pranker: I know how to say, uh, bon jouree, I know how to say, uh, croissant.

Lady: It depends on what you want, like, if you wanna like, be able to speak French, uh, you're running out of time.

Pranker: Yeah.

Lady: If you wanna say a few phrases, that's fine.

Pranker: Yeah, I want to just say a few phrases like: "Hello, I want to go to the bathroom, hello, where is the nearest bakery, hello I want to take you home to-

Pranker: house and do the nasty that kind of thing."

Lady: Okay, uh, what's your name again?

Pranker: Uh- Bu- Buk Lau.

Lady: [speaking in French]: Je m'appelle Buk La.

Pranker: Oh crap. Uh, one more time?

Lady: Je m'appelle Buk La.

Pranker: Uh- ju my pen a Buk Lau.

Lady: Je suis uh- Américain [translation: I am American]

Pranker: Uh, je suis, uh- Je suis American.

Lady: Okay, that's alright, that's- that's okay.

Pranker: Alright, yeah.

Lady: Uhm, yeah, yeah, it's alright, uhm, you can say: "I'm travelling through France". Uh, "Je voyage en France."

Pranker: Uh, Je [mumbling] France. [music playing] [pranker making musical sounds]

Lady: Je voyage en France.

Pranker: Uh, Je- Je- Je ya- you- you- you- France. Sorry.

Lady: No. Je voyage en France.

Pranker: One more time, sorry.

Lady: Je voyage en France.

Pranker: Uh, Je baie Juv- J- Je bu buyal France.

Lady: Yeah, it's better.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah!

Lady: Well, the thing is, as I told you, anyone can be a master in any language but you have to commit-

Lady: you have to work a lot and, you have to practice.

Pranker: Okay but, last thing I want to know, if you want to like tell a girl, I think you are very beautiful-

Pranker: I want to take you home and plant the seed. How do you say that?

Lady: I want to take you home AND WHAT!?

Pranker: And like- plant the seed, you know, like put the seed inside, like, put the hot dog in the bun-

Pranker: what do they say in this country, I don't know sorry.

Lady: I- I don't really understand what you are saying, so-

Pranker: Yeah, like- you know, if you want to do the farking, you know? Like, how do you say it in French?

Lady: I don't really get it.

Pranker: Eh okay, so basically, you know when- you know, the birds and the bees, when somebody wants to make a baby, right?

Pranker: They go home and they share the bed and they BOOM, BOOM, right? So I wondering, how do you say-

Pranker: I want to BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, let me hear you say: "HEY YO" at your house?

Lady: I don't think you're gonna use that in France.

Pranker: I-, trust me-

Lady: Quite honestly.

Pranker: tr- tru- but the French women are so beautiful, you know, hello?

Lady: [hang up]

Pranker: [laughing]

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