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Unbelievably Funny Hotel Prank Call! Ownage Pranks

Jul 4, 2009 2.3M views 0 comments

Category: Prank call 
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Russell
Prank Victim: Greek hotel
Rage Level: Feel-good

HILARIOUS Greek hotel prank call gets turned on the prankster!

Best quotes: 

  • “Would I be able to tea bag you on the way up or no?”
  • “Can I please take out my ballsack and smack you across the face with it?”
  • “Well I just need to know if I can smack you across the face with my ballsack because if I can’t I’ll look for somebody else that will take it like a man”

Body of content:

Did I just get owned in my own prank call?! In this hilarious hotel prank call, I rang a random Greek hotel to see what crazy stuff I could get away with asking. At first, when I asked the guy on the phone if I could “tea bag” him, he was completely puzzled and didn’t know what I was asking for. Once he understood what was going on, this call completely turned around!!

The guy immediately jumped on it and sarcastically told me he was going to go take a bath and wait for me to arrive! This Greek man has THE BEST sense of humor and was totally ready to turn the prank right back on me! Should I call this hotel back and see if he still reacts hilariously? What other countries should I try prank calling hotels in? Tell me in the comments below!


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Hotel receptionist: [speaking in Greek]

Pranker: Uh, hi, how you doing? 

Hotel receptionist: Hi. [mumbling]

Pranker: I was wondering ahhh, if you guys had any rooms for tonight?

Hotel receptionist: For tonight? Yes we do have rooms.

Pranker: Okay, and uhh, would I be able to tea-bag you on the way up, no?

Hotel receptionist: Pardon? 

Pranker: Would I be able to TEA BAG you? 

Hotel receptionist: I don't understand what you mean.

Pranker: I mean basically would I be able to whip out my ballsack

Pranker: and smack you across the face with as I enter the hotel.

Hotel receptionist: AH sa- ah sa- excuse me.

Hotel receptionist: Eh, could you please speak English slowly to me because I'm not english?

Pranker: Oh, okay. 

Hotel receptionist: Yes. 

Pranker: Can I please take out my ballsack and smack you...

Pranker: across the face with it sir? [mumbling]

Hotel receptionist: No- I still don't understand anything.

Pranker: Okay. Can I pull out my ballsack and smack you...

Pranker: ... across the face with it?

Hotel receptionist: Pull out your?

Pranker: BALL-SACK. Say ballsack. 

Hotel receptionist: Ball - zack. 

Pranker: Exactly. 

Hotel receptionist: Yeah. I don't know wha-what you mean.

Pranker: I'm saying if I can pull out my ballsack and smack you across the face with it.

Hotel receptionist: I- still don't know or understand [mumbling]

Pranker: Umm, hold on. C-ca- you wanna let me- [sigh]

Pranker: Umm... Hold on...

Hotel receptionist: Mhm...

Pranker: Let me see if I can translate this somehow...

Pranker: Okay.

Hotel receptionist: Where are you calling from, tell me...

Pranker: I'm calling from the e-e-e I just flew in om-nom-nom-

Pranker: I'm kind of lost. I-I just wanna get a hotel.

Hotel receptionist: Yes. You calling from the airport? 

Pranker: Yeah. 

Hotel receptionist: So... You-you need the room, what else you need?

Pranker: Well I just need to know if I can smack you across the face with my ballsack...

Pranker: ... cause if I can't I'll look for somebody else that will take it like a man, you know what I mean?

Hotel receptionist: No, no I don't know what [mumble] mean.

Hotel receptionist: What you-what you can have here you can have a room...

Hotel receptionist: ... you pay for the room and you have a breakfast. That's it.

Pranker: But ca-can I have sex with you?

Hotel receptionist: OH YES sex with me?

Pranker: Yeah!

Hotel receptionist: Why don't you say it before?

Pranker: [laughing] Sorry!

Hotel receptionist: Of course! Come around!

Pranker: What? 

Hotel receptionist: Come AROUND TO HAVE SEX WITH ME!

Pranker: Ooohh, okay cool.

Hotel receptionist: Yeeees, yes, yes. 

Hotel receptionist: I'll wait for you, I'm going to take a bath right now...

Pranker: Ah-huh.

Hotel receptionist: I'll wait for you.

Pranker: Okay.

Hotel receptionist: Ahhhhhh [mumbling] You see we solve the problem.

Pranker: From the back?

Hotel receptionist: Yes, yes, from the back from the front from the uh-

Hotel receptionist: From the top, from the bottom, from everywhere!

Pranker: Side to side?

Hotel receptionist: Yes, yes, side to side, bu side there we kiss 

Hotel receptionist: we kiss everything. Come on.

Pranker: Okay. 

Hotel receptionist: Yes come around. Come around to see you. 

Hotel receptionist: Come here, come here I'll wait for you.

Pranker: Okay...

[phone call ends]

Pranker: [laughing]


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