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Racist Pawn Shop Meltdown On An Arab!

Dec 20, 2015 3M views 0 comments

Category: Prank call 
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Rakesh, Tyrone
Prank Victim: Pawn shop
Rage Level: Moderate

CRAZY pawn shop owner makes racist Arab jokes in prank call!

Best quotes: 

  • “I will come right now and fark to your face”
  • “You will see the wrath of Rakesh”
  • “Hello motherugly I got disconnect”
  • “Booboo I missed you, let me take you out to a buffet or something”

Body of content:

I prank called a poorly rated pawn shop to see if they would let me trade in an obscure gift card, and the call took a crazy twist! They had put up an ad saying they will buy unwanted gift cards, but they had no interest in Rakesh’s free Brazilian wax voucher. First they hung up on me, and then started mocking Rakesh’s accent and making racist Arab jokes when I tried to call back! 

When I tried calling as Tyrone to get an apology for their rudeness, they just kept hanging up on me! The employee HATED being called “booboo”. To try and get them to stay on the line, Buk Lau got in on the action and they quickly couldn’t stand him either!! 

This shop must not want customers very badly with how they talk to people on the phone, no wonder they were rated so poorly! Why do you think they got so hostile with Rakesh? Do you know of any crazy local stores I should call up?? Tell me in the comments! 


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[Phone ringtone]

Guy: [Censored] How may I help you?

Pranker [Speaking as Abdo]: Uh, yeah, hello! Uh-, I see you advertisement about the Gift Card? 

Guy: Okay? 

Pranker: So I having one gift card, for waxing place. Uh, I wondering if I can trade. 

Guy: Uh, what was it for? 

Pranker: I have voucher for fifty dollar man Brazilian wax. But I don't want to do it, I got little bit-

Pranker: scared about that. So I-, I'm willing to sell it for anything, you know? Like any price.

Pranker: Just something, I've been having-

Guy: No we can't-, we can't take it. 

Pranker: Okay! What about you? Do you have hairy balls? 

Guy: No I-, [co-worker gets on the phone] for what? 

Pranker: Uh-, for-, for waxing, right? Like, you know, when you het your, uh-, maybe your vagina or-

Pranker: or buttocks, wax-it? Yeah, they want to-, but for guy. 

Guy: We don't take those cards. 

Pranker: Okay, but if you have hairy [indistinguishable] you can use it too, you know? If you have to-

Pranker: want to do under the table, we can-, uh-, hello? 

Guy: [Hang up] 

Pranker: [Laughing] [phone ringing]

Guy: [Censored] How may I help you? 

Pranker: Uh yes-, hello, how are you doing, sir? 

Guy: What do you want? 

Pranker: What kind of response is that? Right? I be nice to you, you tell me what, do you want? 

Guy: Yes I told you, what do you want?

Pranker: Oh my god. 

Guy: What do you want Mohammed? 

Pranker: Oh my gods! I cannot believe you're talking to me like that motherfarker. I will come right now.

Pranker: and fark to your face. 

Guy: What? No dude, you got to like upgrade from boost or cricket whatever phone you're on, because-

Guy: you're line sucks, get a big boy phone Mohammed? Time to get a big boy phone. 

Pranker: A big boy phone? What-, what name you call me? 

Guy: Mohammed, that's your name right? 

Pranker: WHAT?! 

Pranker: NO! NO! It's Rakesh. 

Guy: It's not Mohammed? 

Pranker: NO-, NO, it-

Guy: It's Ahmed? 

Pranker: you talk the crap, and you are very disrespect. So say sorry, right now? 

Guy: Huh? 

Pranker: Say sorry, right now.

Guy: Huh? 

Pranker: Apologize, mother bitch. 

Guy: For what?! 

Pranker: Okay, you know already-, you know-, what I'm telling you right now, you-

Pranker: you will-, you will see-, the wrath of Rakesh. You know what, I'm say?

Guy: No I say, BRING IT ON.

Pranker: Okay, what is your address? 

Guy: Some a**hole- 

Pranker: I will drive. 


Guy: Come on.

Pranker: I will come right now. I will get my UBER. Hello?

Guy: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] 

 [Phone ringing] 

Guy: How may I help you? 

Pranker: Uh, yes, hello, mother ugly. I got disconnect. I don't know what your problem, right?

Guy: Yeah, I was just letting you know that I called the cops and, I gave em your number and I-

Guy: said some weird guy, from ISIS called here. So have fun with that mother farker.

Pranker: So you think what do you say mother farker? You think I am from ISIS? Now, okay. Alright.

Guy: [Hang up] 

Pranker: Now I will not stop calling MOTHER BITCH!

 [Phone ringing] 

Guy: [Censored] may I help you? 

Pranker: Mother farker, it's me again, I'm waiting for my apology, go ahead? 

Guy: Are you really pushing on this? 

Pranker: Yeah, right! I am-, I'm pushing right now, I am pushing all the buttons, mother bitch. 

Pranker: You talk crap to me, I am very upset. 

Guy: Thanks for the third number that I can go ahead and give.

Pranker: Okay, do you want-

Guy: I appreciate it 

Pranker: do you want ten more mother bitch?! 

Guy: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing]

 [Phone ringing]


Guy: [Censored] How may I help you?

Pranker: Yeah, hello, we got disconnect. 

Guy: No, I hung up. Quit farking calling man.

Pranker: No-, ARE YOU GOING TO SAY SORRY OR WHAT?! You can stop it all by just saying you're sorry.

Pranker: That's it. SO GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE, right? Right? And then just say it.

Guy: Nope. I ain't doing it. I'll deal with it.

Pranker: Get off your hi-

Guy: another way.

Pranker: Okay, so you want you to keep talking to me? Because I have all night. 

Guy: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] 

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: Hello [censored] how can I help you? 

Pranker [Speaking as Tyrone]: Hey, you, what's up BOO BOO, how you doing? 

Lady: I'm good, how can I help you? 

Pranker: I'm good, I'm-, I'm glad you care too, but uh-, yeah, my-, my roommate asked me to give you-

Pranker: a call, he said he was trying to get some like gift card, uh, trade it in you are-

Pranker: being real disrespectful, like racial-, tell me real quick, like, he was saying like-

Pranker: you was making like ISIS references, calling him Mohammed, and stuff-

Lady: No, that was him.

Pranker: So-, so you telling me your boss-

Lady: That was him I-, we basically told him that we can not take his card-

Pranker: Okay but-

Lady: he keeps calling us.

Pranker: Yeah I-, I-, I understand.

Lady: He didn't understand that 

Pranker: I-, I-, I understand, BOO BOO, listen to me, but he's saying, that uh-, your manager or whoever-

Lady: I don't know BOO BOO, who's boo boo DO, I don't-, boo woof-, who?

Pranker: Alright, I'll call you-

Lady: Who you talking to? 

Pranker: I'll call you Bertha. Hey listen, BERTHA, right? Like so-, so the manager apparently was making-

Pranker: ISIS references and stuff like-

Lady: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] 

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: Hello [censored] how can I help you? 

Pranker: Hey you, what it do BOO BOO, can you stop-

Lady: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] [Speaking to audience] Let me call her again.

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: [Censored] 

Pranker: BOO BOO JUST BREATHE, RIGHT, just breathe. Right? Just do me a favor breathe, and pass the phone to the manager.

Lady: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] [Speaking to audience] She hates BOO BOO so much. 

 [Phone ringing]

Guy: [Censored] 

Pranker: BOO BOO, I missed you, let me take you out to a buffet or something.

Guy: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] 

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: Hello, [censored] how can I help you? 

Pranker [Speaking as Buk Lau] Uh-, yeah, I have a necklace, I want to sell it, how much money do you pay for that?

Lady: Uh-, you have to bring it in so we could see it.

Pranker: Okay, do you also just take like a watchie or something? Or does it just like a jewelry? 

Lady: Yeah.

Pranker: Oh, ok great! Here, you wa-, you want to a-, hold on, my husband want to ask you about, his-, his-


Lady: [Hang up]

Pranker: [Laughing] [Speaking to audience] She hung up right away. [Mumbling]

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: [Censored] How can I help you? 

Pranker: BOO BOO OH BABY YOU-, YOU GOT WHAT I NEED, NOW JUST STOP BEING A BITCH. Let me talk to the manager girl.

Lady: [Hang up] 

Pranker: [Laughing] 

 [Phone ringing] 

Lady: Hello, [Censored], how can I help you? 

Pranker [Speaking as Russell]: Yeah, hey, this is Chris at the [censored] location, are you you guys getting weird phone calls?

Lady: Yeah.

Pranker: What's happening? Because this guy keeps calling with like a, I don't know if it's an Indian guy or who's calling-

Pranker: but like he keeps saying somebody was disrespectful to him, I don't know what was happening? 

Lady: Yeah, I don't know, who's this again? 

Pranker: This is Russell.

Lady: Russell? 

Pranker: Yeah.

Lady: [Talking to her boss] 

Pranker: And any idea what we should do about it? 

Lady: What's that? 

Pranker: Should we hang up on him? Or like-, forward him somewhere, should I call the cops or-

Boss: Who's this? 

Pranker: This is Chris. 

Boss: What you need?

Pranker: Uh-, I'm over here at [censored] location, uh, are you guys getting weird phone calls? 

Boss: Yes.

Pranker: So, what are we supposed to do about it? Because, I'm kind of-, I'm kind of stuck. 

Boss: Who the heck is Chris? 

Pranker: I work here you jacka**, who do you think Chris is? WHO ARE YOU? 

Boss: [Sigh] Look man, I've already call the cops on you guys and everytime you call with-

Boss: a new number, it's just digging the hole deeper for you.

Pranker: So are you going to apologize to the Indian guy? Because he's really upset. 

Pranker: And he keeps calling me about it here, hold on.

Boss: I DON'T CARE about that guy.

Pranker [Speaking as Abdo]: Yeah, look, yeah, look MOTHER UGLY stop it, do you want-

Boss: [Hang up]

Pranker: Hello? [Laughing] [Speaking to audience] I guess it's like enough.


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Buk Lau, Tyrone, Rakesh

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