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Returning (Selling) Stolen Girl's Underwear Prank Call

Oct 25, 2015 1.9M views 0 comments

Category: Robbery pranks, prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Buk Lau
Prank Victim: Robbery victim
Rage Level: Mellow

Girl gets her stolen underwear offered back in prank call!

Best quotes: 

  • “That was the main reason I broke in the car because you look like a you have a delicious granny panties, you know?”
  • “WHY DO YOU SAY THAT TO ME, that's-, I'm not a fark up, I'm a normal, you know?”
  • “Can you wash your vagina next time? Can you please like scrub, can you scrub down there you dirty motherfarka?”

Body of content:

Buk Lau prank called a girl who had her underwear stolen when her car was broken into to apologize about his underwear stealing tendencies. This girl definitely did not expect the thief to call back and offer her underwear back to her! The police were getting notified about it almost immediately, and she even tried to get me to drop her stuff off AT THE STATION.

She was so creeped out by Buk Lau the panty thief that she eventually completely stopped answering and I had to break the prank to her. Why do you think the REAL thief even took her clothing?! Do you know someone who would be perfect for a prank like this? Let me know in the comments below!


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Pranker [speaking to audience]: So, this lady had her car broken into. Her radio Bluetooth speaker heating knobs-

Pranker: and underwear were stolen. I gave her a call as Buk Lau [speaking as Buk Lau] the underwear teeth.

[phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Duh hello, can I talk to Paige, please?

Lady: Uhm, who's this?

Pranker: It's a Buk Lulu.

Lady: I don't know who a Buk Lulu is.

Pranker: Yeah, I don't think we got to meet formally you know, I wanted to come clean with you, about something-

Pranker: if you don't mind you have just a thirty second to talk to me, you know.

Lady: About what?

Pranker: You know, I-, I-, a little while back, you know, I've been feeling very guilty about what-

Pranker: I did to your car, so I wanted to call and just say, about that, and see if I can-, you know, return some stuff to you.

Lady: Yeah, what?

Pranker: Do you remember what I'm talking about or was it too long ago or?

Lady: Yeah, about, what happened to my car?

Pranker: Yeah, that's right, you know, I took some stuff from there you know, you had the white Toyota Corolla, right?

Lady: Uh huh.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, so, were you upset about that, or is everything okay now?

Lady: No, nothing's okay about it.

Pranker: Oh, okay, well, so do you accept my apology about that?

Lady: You can pay for it return everything that you took.

Pranker: Yeah, I have a one thing, I can return for you, you know, I had enough use out of it, so I wanted to bring it back for you maybe, you know?

Lady: Uhm, yeah, you can drop it off at the [censored] Police Station and then they'll take it from there.

Pranker: I-, I-, I've already sell the-, you know, the radio, the Bluetooth speaker, you know, uh the knobs for the heating and stuff.

Pranker: I sell it already, but I want to just bring back to you, the underwear, the clothes, you know, I thought I can bring it to you.


Pranker: Well, yeah, that was the main reason I broke in the car because you look, like a you have a delicious granny panties, you know?

Lady: [hang up]

Pranker: [laughing] [speaking to audience]: She hung up, she called the cops and stopped answering the phone. I changed my caller ID, and called her back again.

[phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker: Yeah, can I give you like a 200 dollars with it, maybe you can, you know, not be too upset with me.


Pranker: Okay, no problem, but as a favor to me, can you give me some more like a used underwear panties?

Lady: Oh sure, yeah well, send them to you some big granny panties, okay?

Pranker: Yeah, I love the granny panties, you know, I like to rub it around my noodle, and then make the explosion.

Lady: [hang up]

Pranker: H-, hello? [laughing] [speaking to audience]: She hung up again. She stopped answering the phone again. I called her back with a completely different area code showing on the caller ID.

[phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker: Yeah, look, will you at least wear the old pair one more time and give it back to me if I give you like a 300 dollar?


Pranker: WHY DO YOU SAY THAT TO ME, that's-, I'm not a fark up, I'm a normal, you know?

Lady: Well, I'm calling the cops and reporting all these numbers.

Pranker: No, but you see, I just have like a desire.

Lady: Goodbye.

Pranker: I just asking you-

Lady: Bye.

Pranker: can you wash your vagina-

Lady: Bye.

Pranker: next time? Can you please like scrub-


Pranker: can you scrub down there you dirty motherfarka? That's all I asking, you know?

Lady: [hang up]

Pranker: [laughing] [speaking to audience]: She was really creeped out at this point and wouldn't answer the phone again for a while.

Pranker: Since she called the cops at least a couple times already, I decided to call her back later and let her know as a prank.

[phone ringing]

Lady: Hello?

Pranker: Okay, look, just so you know, your friend set you up for the prank, you know? This is all a joke.

Lady: It's what?

Pranker: I said, your friend set you up for THE PRANK, you understand me? [speaking as Russell]: Hey, your co-worker, set you for a prank-

Pranker: you told them about getting your car broken into and having your things stolen [laughing]

Lady: [laughing], who is this then?

Pranker: Uh, my name is Russell, I'm a voice actor and comedian, and I do a bunch of different prank calls. I can portray a bunch of-

Pranker: different character voices, one of which being [speaking as Buk Lau] the Asian guy who steals the underwear.

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: Uhm, but, I didn't actually steal any underwear or actually break into your car, unfortunately you didn't-

Pranker: find the actual thief, but hopefully insurance or something took care of you for those stolen items and underwear [laughing].

Lady: Thanks.

Pranker: Alright, well, take-, take care and enjoy the rest of your night.

Lady: Ah thanks, alright bye.

Pranker: Alright, bye, bye.

Lady: [giggles]

Pranker [speaking to audience]: That giggle at the end, [laughing].

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