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Tattoo Parlor Throwdown Prank Call - Best Penis Prank On YouTube!

Sep 2, 2011 1.4M views 0 comments

Category: Craigslist and Backpage pranks, prank calls 
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Tyrone, Russell, Buk Lau, Billy, Rakesh, Juan
Prank Victim: Body piercer
Rage Level: Hardcore

Best penis prank on YouTube with a terrified pothead!!

Best quotes: 

  • “I made up some motherfarking bullcrap ass name and you POOPING YOURSELF right now, you took a DUMP in your motherfarking PANTS”
  • “Alright dawg, let's do it dawg, I'm about to take a DUMP ON YOU”
  • “I'm gonna hug the CRAP out of you dawg, Imma embrace your ass, squeeze so hard, and show you SO much affection dawg, you better WATCH YOURSELF, I'M A HUG YOUR ASS, I'm a-, Imma give you the biggest hug dawg”
  • “HOOOOOH, DAMN, he got a small ass, HAM LAM SHAM LIHAM LUM DOOBILY, you gotta small ass one”

Body of content:

This is the second half of the best penis piercing prank call on YouTube! I called up this guy who listed an ad on Craigslist offering body piercing, and asked if he would pierce Tyrone’s PENIS! Surprisingly, he was down and even tried to sell Tyrone weed, but I turned things around on him and made him think this was a drug bust!

In this portion of the call, he’s still totally confused and freaked out from the random “DEA” agent he thought was talking to him. I messed with him some more by switching between a bunch of characters, and he got super heated! Can you believe he stayed on the phone with me this long? Do you think he thought I really knew him somehow? Let me know what you think of this craziness in the comments below!


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Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: You uh, you-

Guy: Uh, you think-

Pranker: I just wanna, I-, I wanna smok-

Guy: you think-, I'm a con artist homeboy, I've been-, I've been to prison, I've been places, I-

Pranker: YEAH.

Guy: I know the run about, you-

Pranker: YEAH-

Guy: said something about law enforcement agencies-

Pranker: No dawg, no dawg, you crazy dawg, I said-, I said, I made up some motherfarking bullcrap ass name and you POOPING YOURSELF-

Pranker: right now, you took a DUMP in your motherfarking PANTS.

Guy: Who is this?

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: Hey dude, it's me, what's up man? Yo?

Guy: Who?

Pranker: Do you not know, come on, you don't know who this is? 

Guy: Who the fark is this?

Pranker: Dude, think back, you're gonna laugh your ass off. You're gonna laugh your ass off when you-

Guy: Dude, if you want, I'm serious homeboy-

Pranker: You're-

Guy: you wanna come to my pad-

Pranker: if you guys are-

Guy: I'll give it to you right now-

Pranker: you'll laugh so hard.

Guy: I'll farking knock you the fark out in the farking parking lot, right here motherfarker.

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Alright dawg, let's do it dawg, I'm about to take a DUMP ON YOU, homeboy, let's go-

Pranker: let's go, come outside, right now, yeah, let's do it, let's DO IT. 

Guy: Who the heck is this, eh?

Pranker: I'mma hug-

Guy: Stop farking around.

Pranker: I'm gonna hug the CRAP out of you dawg, I'm a embrace your ass, squeeze so hard, and show you-

Pranker: SO much affection dawg, you better WATCH YOURSELF, I'M A HUG YOUR ASS, I'm a-, I'm a give you the biggest-

Pranker: hug dawg, you get excited dawg, you open your ar-

Guy: Who the heck-, who is this? Who?

Pranker: you open your ar-

Guy: Who is this?


Guy: You answer my question, who is this? 

Pranker: My name is-

Guy: You call me all mother-, motherfarking bullcrap.

Pranker: D-, DAWG? Can you relax dawg, can you just TAKE A HIT and chill out?

Guy: No, no, no, what was all that bullcrap homeboy, I mean seriously? I'll give you my address right now dawg-

Guy: I'll-, I'll-, I'll farking kick you out prison style, right down, in front of my motherfarking grandma's house, homeboy.

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Ok, let's do it, let's do it right now, somebody, I come for you, let's do it, right now-

Pranker: I come for you right now we do it, 1 ON 1, you want to do? CRAP.

Guy: Who is this? 


Guy: No really, who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: Excuse me, my name's BILLY, and I just wanna smoke some marijuana with you man, what's wrong? 

Pranker: Can you just relax? GEEZ LOO EEZE 

Guy: You, who's Billy?

Guy: I don't even know a Billy.

Pranker: Excuse me, I've been talking to you for like 35 minutes right now, I just want-, I want to be your BUDDY-

Pranker: man, I want-, I want to-, I want to get my PENIS. 

Guy: [mumbling]

Pranker: Can you just pierce my penis? PLEASE? 

Guy: I ain't even-, I ain't even gonna touch your farking penis now, I want to know who you are, where you live at-

Guy: and-, what, what, what the fark this is about, because-

Pranker [speaking as Abdo]: My friend, don't-, don't worry my friend, I am-, my name is KATANSHAN BANTU, right now-

Pranker: I'm calling to get my-

Guy: stop with all, tired of all this crap, stop with all this bullcrap and crap, who the fark are you?

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Hey dawg, what's wrong with you ass man? Why-, why you flippen out, and crap dawg? 


Guy: You just came at me now, some farking Indian bullcrap-

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: SOMEBODY-

Guy: sounding like you were really some-

Pranker: SOMEBODY-

GUy: drug enforcement law crap.

Pranker: SOMEBODY freak out right now. I joke with you BIG BOY, I am your friend today, I am your friend today.

Guy: Dude don't talk crao over the phone man, tell me who you are! Stop being a little farkin bitch!

Pranker [speaking as Alejandro Juan Martinez]: My name is a Alejandro Juan Martinez, porque you are so tu'-, tu'-, tu' ANGRY?

Pranker: Porque? What's-, what's the-, como se dice? Problema? Si! 

Guy: Billy, how old are you-, how old are you youngster? 

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Uh, I'm-, I'm-, I'm-, I'm fourteen, what's up man?

Guy: You ain't fourteen.

Pranker: Yeah, I'm 14 dawg, I gotta-, I got-

Guy: You're a grown-, you're a grown ass man, that's acting like a motherfarking 14 year old.

Pranker: No dawg, no dawg, I'm fourteen, what's wrong with you dawg, you gotta chill with it dawg, you getting too angry. 

Pranker: Man, you getting to angry, you getting-, you getting a little up tight.

Guy: Yeah well, you're a little-, you don't call me, you don't call me up, talking about drug enforcement and law enforcement, I don't even know-

Pranker: NO! 

Guy: What the fark?

Pranker: DAWG! Dawg I made, I-, all I said was, I made up some random ass crap, and you freaked out dawg! I just want you to pierce my PENIS.

Pranker: What's wrong with you man, can you relax? 

Guy: No really, who is this, who is this?

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: You don't know who this is? Come on dude, I'm like, we go way back.

Guy: We go way back, alright what, what high school did I go to.

Pranker: I'm, I'd-, not that far back, crap soon, I'm talking like 2 weeks ago, relax. 

Guy: Two weeks ago? 

Pranker: Yeah that's, to me that's way back, if I can keep a friend more than like seven days-

Guy: Two weeks ago, where, where-

Pranker: or like-

Guy: where did I meet you, two weeks ago? 

Pranker: We met-, we met at the Bar. 

Guy: What bar homeboy? Because I-

Pranker: You-, you-

Guy: I-, I wasn't at no bar.

Pranker: You were grinding up on me at that one bar, down the street.

Guy I was that? 

Pranker: You were grinding up on me! You were getting MAD CRAZY, you were a FREAK on the dance floor, do you not remember this?

Guy: Who the fark are you talk-, who the fark is this dude? 

Pranker: Dude, you wre getting freaky on the dance floor bro.

Guy: Dude I was in nowhere two weeks ago, I don't know what the fark you're talking about bro.

Pranker: Broseph, Broseph, you were-, you were like-, you were on the ground, you were doing that whole-

Pranker: like Ass-Shake thing, you were-, you were crazy.

Guy: Yo, who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Dawg man, can you just chill out right now? 

Guy: I'm chilling, but who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: My name's Billy, I DUN DIDDILY DOO DAH told you already man, I need you to calm DOWN, and just-

Pranker: and just cooperate with me, please?

Guy: Who is this? 

Pranker: I'M GONNA COME OVER THERE AND T-BAG YOU, you bet-, you better be careful man, you better chill out with that-

Pranker: before I come over ther-

Guy: You're gonna come over here and, you're gonna come over here and, tea bag me? 

Pranker: I'm gonna-, I'm gonna get some LIPTON TEA-BAGS-

Guy: Alright son, I'll wait for your ass-

Pranker: I'm gonna get some-

Guy: Come on over here! Come on over here-


Guy: What's up with all this? 

Pranker: With the pudding in the pops, and the pudding-

Guy: Stop playing. Call like a little bitch.

Pranker; Bill Cosby style! 

Guy: And farking come up bitch, who is this? 

Pranker: Hey man, I'm gonna bring some Lipton Tea-Bags, dip that crap in some Hot water. 

Pranker: And put it on your forehead, right NOW, I'm gonna T-BAG the HECK out of you. 

Guy: Who is this? What's up with this prank call? 

Pranker: My name's-, my name's-

Guy: Who is this? 

Pranker: BILLY! 

Guy: No, your name isn't Billy. And talk it-

Pranker: Well that do you-

Guy: Talk in your-, talk in your normal motherfarking voice bro, stop being a little bitch.

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Alright dawg, my bad, I'm I-, I'm being a little bitch dawg.

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: SOMEBODY! Somebody getta too angry today, SOMEBOODY EHH.

Guy: Yo I-, I got-, I'll call my homeboy up right now, I'll just trace your phone dude, I'll find you.

Pranker: Alright, alright dawg, let's do it, alright, LOVE YOU. Hugs and KISSES dawg, HUG MY ASS.

Guy: Who is this? AY, AY, are you fr-, are your friends with, with my cousin Natalie or something? 

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: [laughing], how do you know dude? [giggles] 

Guy: Hey fark you, motherfarker, who is, really? 

Pranker: Yeah, [laughing].

Guy: Don't yeah, don't, wait, don't-, don't fark with me, it is [mumbling], are you, wait, what's your name?

Pranker: I'm not farking with you, it's Will, dude.

Guy: What color are you?

Pranker: What color am I? Like, what is this, like, why you getting all racial? Relax dude, I'm-, I-, I-, just be a good sport dude.

Guy: No, but don't-

Pranker: Chill out man!

Guy: That's a-, no that's a question, what color are you? 

Pranker: Oh I'm-

Guy: Will.

Pranker: I'm white, [speaking as Tyrone] dawg, [speaking as Russell] I'm pretty light skinned.

Guy: You ain't Will then.

Pranker: I'm Will.

Guy: No, you ain't Will, because Will's a dark ass motherfarker, that I wanna kill so.

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Uh, well, do I not-

Guy: You ain't Will.

Pranker: Do I not sound like a dark ass motherfarka, man, I've been farking with you all day. 

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: It's Will dude.

Guy: So, this is Will?

Pranker: Yeah, can you-

Guy: well, what is this, about, anyways? Why, why are you calling me? 

Pranker: Because, I want to get my PENIS pierced, and I heard, that you roll that way, that's all.

Pranker: I heard if the price is right, you'll get down with it. You were on the dance floor-

Pranker: You-, you-, you're piercing penis, like I don't know what's the big deal dude.

Guy: What's the big deal is, somebody's talk crap.

Pranker: No dude-

Guy: Over the phone-

Pranker: I-, I don't-

Guy: Trying to tell, what he-, what are you trying to call me? Huh? You trying to call me a homo? 

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: Uh, I did-, I didn't say that dawg, if you, don't get all homo-

Pranker: HOMO MO MO MO MO PHOBIC on me now, dayum. Ain't nothing wrong with being a little homosexual-

Pranker: dawg, if you roll that way, that's cool with me! I don't know why you getting all like-

Pranker: HOMO MO MO MO MO phobic and crap, DAYUM. Alright dawg, well I love your ass, I got to go now. 

Guy: Oh you prank calling me, and you ain't gonna tell me your real name? 

Pranker: I love you. Dawg, can you just love me too, and just move on from this dawg, come on man, dayum.

Guy: Uh, no man, I ain't gonna move on, wait, what's your-, what's your real name?

Pranker: Ok, love you, dawg ho-, you can't leave me hanging like that, every time I tell you I love you dawg-

Pranker: I'm puring my heart out to your ass, and you just leaving me hanging that's f-, that's-, THAT'S- 

Pranker: THAT'S F'D UP man, straight up F'D UP, DAWG.

Guy: Yo, who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: You're hurting my FEELINGS man, can you just throw me a bone here man? Come on dog!

Pranker: I told you I LOVED YOU, you don't wanna love me too? Come on man! LOVE ME.

Guy: No seriously, who is this? 

Praker: CAN YOU SERIOUSLY LOVE ME? Stop being, A  B I T C H MAN, just love me man, love me, like I love you.

Guy: Who is this? 

Pranker: EXCUSE ME! Can you please, love me, with the Pudding in the Pops and the Pudding? LOVE ME, please, shoopity-

Pranker: doopity, [speaking as Tyrone] ey yo dawg man, ey yo, before I let you go, how big is your uh-, how big is your-


Guy: Big enough to smack you across the motherfarking room.

Pranker: HOOOOOH, DAMN, he got a small ass, HAM LAM SHAM LIHAM LUM DOOBILY, you gotta small ass one, don't lie dawg-

Pranker: if you gonna say it's big enough to smack me across the room you a little bit self conscious of your-, of your WINKY.

Pranker: DINKY in the pit, in the PANTALOHNAYS.

Guy: Yeah, that's it bud.

Pranker: Okay, alright dawg, well I love you, I got to go now.

Guy: No, you didn't ever tell me your name bro.

Pranker: My, my name's eh, IT'S WILL! Dawg, I told your ass already, why you like, you hating? 

Guy: Your name's Will, who is this? 

Pranker: It's Will dawg, I'll see you in like fifteen minutes to pierce my penis, dawg I'll see you in a little bit-

Pranker: I'll bring the MD5# with me, it's gonna fark your-, it's gonna fark you up dawg, that eh-, that MD5# gonna fark you up.

Guy: Who is this? 

Pranker: Okay, alright, love you too! 

Guy: I'll keep calling you man, who is this? 

Pranker: No, you, better not call me back, you bet-, you BETTER NOT CALL ME BACK DAWG, YOU BETTER NOT CALL ME, I SWEAR.

Guy: Oh what the fark are you gonna do dude? 

Pranker: I'm gonna come over there, I'm a come over there,  an'-, an'-, an'-, an'-, an'-, an'-, HUG YOU dawg, better watch yourself-


Guy: You don't even, what, where do I live then? 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: Ok I'll see you in 15-20 minutes! Buddy! 

Guy: Hey, where do I-

Pranker: I LOVE YOU! 

Guy: Where do I live? 

Pranker: I really gotta go, right now man, you're killing me man, I don't have night, free nights and weekends, you're farking my crap up.

Pranker: Right now, you keep rumbling, and rumbling man, my minutes! Don't call me back man.

Guy: Don't lie with minutes with me motherfarker! Who is this? 

Pranker: I don't-, I DON'T HAVE NO MORE MINUTES, for you man, I can't talk to you right now, you can't-

Guy: Who is this?

Pranker: Listen man, I'm gonna see you in 15 to 20 minutes, you're gonna pierce my-, my SHOOBILY DOOM DOM DOOBILY and then, we're gonna come over and-

Pranker: we're gonna have a good old time, together, okay?

Guy: Who is this? 

Pranker: Alright, I LOVE YOU! 

Guy: Really who is this?

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Do you love me too? Tell me please, SOMEBODY, you hurt my feeling.

Guy: Yo, who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Rakesh]: My friend you are not telling me right now, I've wanting somebody somebody tell me they love me right now.

Guy: Ah come on man, stop, stop acting like a kid dude, tell me who you are. 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: EXCUSE ME! MAN! Can you stop being, a little BIT [mumbling] SAM LAM LAM DOOBILY! You need to, calm down man-

Pranker: okay? Just love me too, if you tell me you love me too, I'll tell you who I am.

Pranker: I'm gonna say I love you-

Guy: I ain't-

Pranker: if I'm, I'm a say I love you, if you reply to me-

Guy: Who would call? 

Pranker: and say, you love me too, I'll tell you who I am, I LOVE YOU.

Guy: FARK YOU! Who are you? 

Pranker: I love you, if you really want to know, you're gonna have to love me too.

Guy: Hello? What kind of crap are you on bro, you need to tell me your name bro, you're the one farking calling me.

Pranker: I LOVE YOU! 

Guy: I asked you, who is this? 

Pranker: It's a fair-, I'll-, all you gotta do is-, is say-

Guy: [yelling] You called my MOTHERFARKING PHONE YOU PIECE OF CRAP. 

Pranker: SCREAM IT! 



Guy: Yo, who is this? 

Pranker [speaking as Billy]: Excuse me man, can you just tell me, you love me too? And then I'll tell you who I am, it's that simple.

Guy: Man shut up, with all that farking childish bullcrap man.

Pranker: I love you.

Guy: Who is this?

Pranker: I LOVE YOU.

Guy: Who is this?

Pranker: I love you, can you just love me too man? 

Guy: NAME, your name? 

Pranker: Excuse me, can you love me? 

Guy: Your name? 

Pranker [speaking as Operator]: Your call cannot be completed as dialed, please leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message-

Pranker: and your call will be routed to the next available Customer Service Representative, thank you.

Guy: Hello? 

Pranker: Your call cannot be completed as dialed, please leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message-

Pranker: and your call will be routed to the next available Customer Service Representative. Thank you.

Guy: Hello? 

Pranker: Sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed, please leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message-

Pranker: and your call will be transferred to the next available Customer Service Representative. Thank you. 

Pranker: If you're confused, please press 1. Hello? [laughing] [speaking to audience] He finally hung up, it took forever [laughing]

Pranker: Instead of pressing 1, he just hung up [laughing], oh what a interesting person.

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