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Whoops! Called The Wrong Guy! Bernie Sanders Prank Call

Aug 14, 2016 1.4M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Russell
Prank Victim: Dad
Rage Level: Hardcore

Bernie Sanders donation prank call on a super angry dad!

Best quotes: 

  • “He's on the daddy payroll. I'm the daddy.”
  • “Tommy, Imma tell you that BERN I feel $1500 huh?!”

Body of content:

A viewer requested that I do a Bernie Sanders campaign prank call on his father to let him know he had made a HUGE donation to the campaign from his credit card! The dad knows his son is a Bernie supporter and was outraged he would make such a huge donation on his father’s dime.

I was able to get the son in on the call to make it even more convincing and it really took things over the top! What would your family do if they got a call that you had done this with their accounts?? Let me know in the comments below!


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Pranker [speaking to audience]: Requester is a huge Bernie Sanders supporter. His dad on the other hand is not.

Pranker: I called his dad to thank him for donating over $5000 to the Bernie Sanders US presidential campaign.

Pranker: Oh man, does he get mad...

[phone ringing]

Dad: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Russell]: Yeah, hi, may I speak with uh, Mark [censored]?

Dad: Speaking.

Pranker: Hey, this is Russell, calling with the Bernie Sanders campaign I don't want to take too much of your time...

Pranker: ... I just wanted to call you up and just thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Pranker: Uhm, you know, I-It's a shame that we couldn't get Bernie to the White House, but I did want to go ahead and call...

Pranker: ... some of ours biggest donors personally that ended up donating more than $5000 to the campaign...

Pranker: ... some of our biggest donators, who-

Dad: N- um, wha-what? No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. I donated $5000 to Bernie Sanders on my credit card?

Pranker: I- it was a $6000 actually.

Dad: When did this happen?

Pranker: Oh, th-this happened over the last four days. There- there were payments being split up, just-just numerous payments-

Dad: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't do that, I didn't sign for that.

Dad: No I didn't, what credit card was it?

Pranker: All I see here is Mark [censored] Texas, and then y-your- your phone number down, and a total amount of $6222.83.

Dad: N- not- not- not from this Mark [censored], there must be another Mark [censored]. Your name please?

Pranker: Uh- It's Russell. It's Russell.

Dad: Russell, Russell what? What's your last name Russell?

Pranker: Russell Johnson. Uh, so what you're telling me is, you did not make this contribution?

Dad: No. No. I did not.

Pranker: I-is there anything who may have had acces maybe to- and maybe like a family member- your wife or anything like that...

Dad: No-

Pranker: ... who may have- who may have donated to the campaign-

Dad: No, my- no my wife and I w- no. We would not- she would not have donated anything without checking-

Dad: We- we check with each other before we make any kind of donation.

Pranker: One- one of the 5 transactions does have a note here, uhm...

Pranker: It says " We love you Bernie - Thomas". Is there a Thomas that you know of?

Dad: My son Tom- h-he's my son, but he doesn't have the-the-the uh-

Pranker: Oh...

Dad: He spends $5 a month. He's on the daddy payroll. I'm the daddy.

Dad: And that credit card that he has is in my name. I just got him a card.

Pranker: Yeah I-I-I got you

Pranker: Oh!


Pranker: I- I don't think we can process a refund but on the bright side, you will have contributed to...

Pranker: ... you know, the landscape of politics, so- there-there is that.

Dad: Yeah well is- know- he- he's contributed to the landscape of politics, on my dime.

Pranker: Got you...

Dad: He's a college student, doing internship this summer.

Pranker: Got you, I understand it's a surprise but you did do a great thing and it's very nice of you to allow your son to kind of u-use your credit card.

Dad: Yeah, well I'm not no- I'm not that brave, I'm gonna donate $6000 to anybody and HE SHOULDN'T BE THAT BRAVE OR STUPID to donate $6000 to a cause...

Dad: ... on my dime, I wanna call my credit card company so thanks for the call, you may be hearing back from us.

Pranker: Got you, and- and the-

Dad: Thanks again.

Pranker: A- and the last thing there was- one las- one last note on the account from-from-

Dad: Alright now, goodbye. [phone call ends]

Pranker: [laughing] He hung up...

Pranker [speaking to audience]: He tried to call Thomas at this point. I conferenced Thomas in on the line.

Pranker: We then call back with Thomas' number on the caller ID.

[phone ringing]

Dad: Tommy- Tom-

Son: Hey I just got your message, what's up?

Dad: I got a call- Did you donate $5000 to Bernie Sanders?

Son: No- I just got a call from some guy about that too, what- what's going on? What happened?

Dad: Somebody said that you donated $5000 to Bernie Sanders on my credit card.

Son: Yeah someone called and told me that exact same thing.

Dad: Yeah, what was his name? Russell Johnson, or something like that?

Pranker: Yeah, uh, so I think what happened was, I made a donation but I- l- they took it multiple times or something.

Dad: On what? The credit card?

Son: Yeah. Like it was- it was-

Dad: What?

Son: It's not like- It's not like close to that it's like- it was $1500, not $5000 or $6000.

Dad: You put $1500 on my credit card for Bernie Sanders?

Son: I thought like, you were coming around to the whole Bernie thing I was just gonna give you the money back when I got all these paychecks.

Son: I wanted to help change the face of politics in America.

Dad: On my dime?

Son: Well I mean, yes but I was going to pay you back.

Dad: Tommy, that is not why I gave you that credit card, I have you that credit card in case something happened.

Dad: Your politics, that's your business but you don't put your political beliefs on my credit.

Son: Yeah, I know but I thought you were coming around, I thought you were like feeling the Bern.

Dad: Tommy, Imma tell you that BERN I feel $1500 huh?!

Son: Yeah, well I mean I- Is- they took more?

Pranker: Sir, sir, hear me out h-honestly sir, you should be proud of your son, it's great to see that today's youth are getting involved in politic-

Son: Wait dad, hold on.

Dad: Look- I don't know who is- is this- is this Bernie Sanders uh, Russell again?

Pranker: Uh, sir- this- this is Russell with the Bernie Sanders campaign uh, you know, again, I just wanted to say you should be proud of your son, you know-

Dad: Li- No, no DON'T THANK ME because uh, this is not what I would've done.

Dad: I don't want another donation put on that card.

Pranker: Okay- a- after this next one goes through, I'm putting a freeze on the account, so no- nothing w- will be going through-

Dad: AND HOW MUCH IS THE NEXT ONE? How much is the next one?

Pranker: Uh- It was only- it was about $900.

Dad: $900??

Pranker: Uh- oh- uh sir uss- sir!! I just- I need to know sir are you feeling the Bern yet?


Pranker: Ok- well- well sir, I think now is a good time to let you know that uh, this whole thing is just a prank.

Pranker: I'm very sorry for getting you worked up. [laughing]

Dad: Oh crap! [laughing]

Pranker: So-

[everyone laughing]

Son: Dad, you feeling the Bern yet?

Dad: Tommy, I'm gonna kick your ass when you get home Tommy!

[everyone laughing]

Son: You feeling that Bern?

Pranker: [laughing]

Son: [laughing]

Dad: Tommy when I see you again I'm gonna choke you, you hear me?

Pranker: [laughing] Ok, well sir, I'm- I'm sure you're very confused, I just wanted to let you know again that his whole thing was just a joke uh...

Pranker: My name is-my name actually is Russell, I believe your son watches a bunch of my content.

Pranker: I have a Youtube channel where I do a bunch of different prank call and portrait a bunch of different characters, uhm...

Pranker: So he did put me up to that prank, he did want me to be sure to let you know it was a prank afterwards...

Pranker: ... so you wouldn't get too worked up or upset... But I'm hoping that this will be a funny memory of the two of you...

Dad: [laughing]

Pranker: ... when you can bask in the fact that $62-

Dad: Y-yeah. After I- after I remove my hands from his neck yeah, we'll laugh about it, yeah!

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